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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Afro American Studies

A general guide to library research in Afro American Studies.

Welcome to the Library Guide for 
AFROAM 254: Introduction to African Studies

Library Guide by Isabel Espinal, PhD, MLIS
Course taught by Professor Y. Covington-Ward, PhD
Spring 2024

This course explores the diversity of the many peoples, cultures, and societies of Africa, both past and present. Moving beyond stereotypes and commonly held misconceptions about Africa and Africans, the course takes a multidisciplinary approach drawing on history, ethnography, literature, and film to explore a range of issues and topics relevant to the every-day lived experiences of Africans. These include topics such as Ancient Africa, Africa under European colonialism, urban Africa, African livelihoods, ideas of kinship, memory and forgetting, the impact of war, experiences of migration, youth movements, health and healing, Nollywood and other African films, technology growth, and music and popular culture, among other topics. A comparative approach will be used to illuminate these topics, drawing upon case studies from various countries and regions of the African continent, as well as historical and literary sources. While our longer case study is based on Liberia, we will also draw on our main class reader and various articles and films for examples from other countries (such as Nigeria, Senegal, and South Sudan, among other countries).

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Some recent books in African Studies available at UMass: