Veterinary Technology
Selected resources available through UMass and 5 Colleges for Students in the Mount Ida Vet Tech Program or other Animal and Biological Sciences programs at UMass Amherst. Resources include topical selections, general information, and career materials.
- Welcome
- Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition
- Animal Behavior & Cognition
- Clinical Pathology
- Dentistry, Anesthesia & Surgery
- Drugs
- Ethics & Animal Welfare
- Euthanasia & Bereavement
- Farm & Large Animals
- Imaging
- Laboratories & Laboratory Animals
- Veterinary Medicine, Parasitology & Toxicology
- Veterinary Practice
- Zoos, Aquariums, Reptiles, Birds, Exotics & Wildlife
- Farmland Information CenterThe FIC is a clearinghouse for information about farmland protection and stewardship. It is a partnership between the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and American Farmland Trust.
- Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians by Laura Lien (Editor); Sue Loly (Editor); Sheryl Ferguson (Editor) This comprehensive guide to all aspects of caring for horses, cattle, camelids, small ruminants, and pigs helps veterinary technician students learn everything they need to know about large animal medicine. Presented in full-color, Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians provides species-specific coverage with a wealth of images, as well as clinical applications. Coverage includes AVMA-required topics such as hospital biosecurity, restraint, physical examinations, nutrition, clinical and diagnostic procedures, reproduction, neonatology, and disease. To reinforce the text, an accompanying website offers review questions and answers, case studies, and an image bank with additional photographs to aid in breed identification. Veterinary technician students, veterinary technician educators, and veterinary technicians in practice who wish to foster and expand their knowledge of large animal medicine will find Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians an invaluable resource.ISBN: 1118767225Publication Date: 2014-03-28
- The practice of sheep veterinary medicine by Abbott, Kym This book is intended to be a reference text for veterinarians who provide clinical services to sheep producers.ISBN: 1925261786Publication Date: 2018
- Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection in Farm Animals by J. M. Forbes The feeding of farm animals directly effects their growth, health, reproduction and ultimately their economic value and is consequently one of the most studied areas of animal science. Building on the first edition and its predecessor, "The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals," "Forbes" has produced an up-to-date and more focused examination of developments in the understanding of voluntary food intake and new ideas and studies relating to diet selection.ISBN: 9781845932800Publication Date: 2007-11-01
- Manual of Equine Reproduction by Steven P. Brinsko Now in full color, Manual of Equine Reproduction, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive look at the reproductive management of horses, including management of stallions, pregnant mares, and neonatal foals. Expert authors use a concise, practical approach in discussing improved therapies and treatments in equine breeding. You'll enhance your skills and knowledge with this book's detailed coverage of techniques used in reproductive examination, breeding procedures, pregnancy diagnosis, foaling, and reproductive tract surgery.A clinical emphasis includes a step-by-step format of possible scenarios from conception to breeding management. Practical information includes topics such as breeding with transported cooled or frozen semen, and caring for the broodmare and newborn foal. The organization of material corresponds to the course of study in veterinary school, so you can find topics easily. Chapter objectives and study questions at the beginning of each chapter guide you through the material and provide clear learning goals. Evaluation of Breeding Records chapter covers the importance of breeding records, and how to use them to evaluate stallion performance and optimize fertility. References are listed at the end of each chapter for further research and study. Full-color photographs and illustrations clearly depict procedures, and all drawings have been redrawn and improved. NEW Assisted Reproductive Technology chapter goes beyond embryo transfer. Updated content includes the latest advances in therapies and treatments. New content is added to two chapters, Reproductive Physiology of the Nonpregnant Mare and Manipulation of Estrus in the Mare. Thorough coverage of every aspect of equine reproduction provides a strong foundation for success in veterinary practice, including a discussion of the use of GnRH-analog deslorelin (Ovuplant) to hasten ovulation; aseptic technique for endometrial biopsy; use of transabdominal ultrasonography, especially in early pregnancy; determination of fetal gender by transrectal ultrasonography; aspiration testicular biopsy using a spring-loaded biopsy instrument; and procedure for surgical embryo transfer.ISBN: 9780323065139Publication Date: 2010-01-01
Print Resources Available Through UMass Amherst
- Clinical Anatomy of the Horse by Hilary M. Clayton; Peter F. Flood; Diana S. Rosenstein; David Mandeville (As told to) This new volume is the first photographic atlas of equine anatomy to integrate illustrations of prepared specimens with correlative images of the same structures as visualised by each of the commonly used imaging modalities; radiography, ultrasound and endoscopy. Additional images illustrate the position and orientation of these structures in the living animal, as they would most commonly be encountered, either in the course of a physical examination (for example the viscera or reproductive organs in a rectal or vaginal examination), or as they present in the prone animal, during a surgical procedure. Thus the atlas has a true utility for the practitioner as well as the student. The only atlas of anatomy that combines illustrations of gross anatomy with radiographic images, ultrasound and endoscopic views to give a complete appreciation of all the structures Preparations of cross-sectional anatomy aid interpretation of diagnostic imaging such as ultrasonography All photographs are of fresh material, or living animals, rather than preserved specimens, to demonstrate the appearance of tissues in the living animal, or at post mortem autopsy Includes annotated images to illustrate the position and orientation of structures in situ, in the living animal, as they will be encountered in carrying out a physical examination or surgical procedure Colour photographs, with correlative radiographs are selected according to clinical importanceCall Number: SF765 .C55 2005ISBN: 9780723433026Publication Date: 2005-12-15
- Equine Science by Rick Parker Equine Science, third edition was designed to make teaching and learning easy. Based on a thorough, easy-to-follow outline that makes developing a lesson plan simple, each chapter starts with a list of learning objectives that helps the student identify the most important concepts in the chapter. Throughout the book, tables, charts, graphs and illustrations provide easy access to information without wading through excess detail, enabling students to quickly grasp the content. To help maintain interest, each chapter contains at least one sidebar to encourage retention of the information learned, and the discussion of new topics. In the Student Activities section at the end of each chapter, students and instructors will find opportunities for learning by applying the knowledge they have gained from the book. The Appendix contains helpful tables with information for converting units of measure, and for making contact with the industry and organizations as well as web addresses for equine industries and other useful Internet sites.Call Number: SF285.3 .P36 2007ISBN: 9781418032548Publication Date: 2007-04-19
- Illustrated Atlas of Clinical Equine Anatomy and Common Disorders of the Horse by Ronald Riegel v. 1. Musculoskeletal system and lameness disorders: v. 2. Reproduction, internal medicine, and skin.Call Number: SF765 .R53 1996ISBN: 0965446107Publication Date: 1996
- Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Large Animal Practice by Jody Rockett; Susanna Bosted Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Large Animal Practice is a step-by-step procedural manual that addresses the most common clinical procedures used with horses, cattle, llamas, goats, and pigs, with primary emphasis placed on horses and cattle. The text features the purpose, potential complications, and a detailed equipment list for every procedure and lists the technical steps of each procedure. It also includes a rationale column which explains, amplifies, or provides additional insight concerning each step. Topics include restraint; husbandry; physical examination; specimen collection; clinical procedures; lower limb radiographs; neonatal procedures; and surgical and anesthetic preps. The appendices contain values such as normal temperature, pulse and respiration rates, clinical chemistry, conversions, CBC, and centesis values. Common vernacular and terminology concerning animal husbandry and gestation times are also provided.Call Number: SF772.6 .R63 2007ISBN: 9781401857875Publication Date: 2006-06-28
- Veterinary medicine: a textbook of the diseases of cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, and horses by Peter D. Constable (Editor); Clive C. Gay (Editor); Kenneth W. Hinchcliff (Editor); Otto M. Radostits (Editor) The new 10th edition of this well-respected reference includes thoroughly revised and reviewed information with content on new diseases for the most up-to-date information on diseases effecting sheep, pigs, goats, horses, and cattle. Divided into two sections, General Medicine and Special Medicine, the book covers topics ranging from the clinical examination and manifestation of disease in organ systems to specific diseases of the large animal species. Includes important information essential to any large-animal veterinarian, especially those working with horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, or goats. User-friendly format allows the reader to quickly absorb key information. Quick review/synopsis sections for complex diseases make important information easy to find. Features content on major diseases of all countries, including foreign animal and emerging diseases. Completely revised chapters reflect the information from current literature. New chapters address diseases associated with prions and identify important emerging diseases. A new main author who is a recognized authority on internal medicine of ruminant species with extensive clinical experience and scientific publications brings his expertise to this important reference. Includes content from contributing authors who are international authorities on pig diseases, toxicological disease in animals, and diseases associated with artropod parasites. Several new illustrations and sonograms provide up-to-date visual aids for better understanding.Call Number: SF748 .B56 2007ISBN: 9780702027772Publication Date: 2007-01-31
- Voluntary Food Intake and Diet Selection in Farm Animals by J. M. Forbes (Editor) The feeding of farm animals directly effects their growth, health, reproduction and ultimately their economic value and is consequently one of the most studied areas of animal science. Building on the first edition and its predecessor, 'The Voluntary Food Intake of Farm Animals,' Forbes has produced an up-to-date and more focused examination of developments in the understanding of voluntary food intake and new ideas and studies relating to diet selection. Chapters have been reorganized and updated to provide a more streamlined approach.Call Number: SF291 .H55 1999ISBN: 9781845932794Publication Date: 2007-08-31
- Last Updated: Oct 2, 2024 9:10 AM
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