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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Libraries Information Literacy Modules

Instructions for Using the Modules with Moodle and Blackboard

These modules can be directly embedded into your course on Blackboard or Moodle using the LTI links (orange icons). The PDF instructions below describe how to use these links.  

If you are using the modules with a website other than Moodle or Blackboard, please use the direct links (green icon) to link to each module.

Anatomy of a Research Paper

This vdeo provides students with an overview of the basic structure of a research paper.

Estimated time (video): 1:57

Estimated time (quiz): 5-8 minutes

Writing Help

Use this video to help students craft clear and effective written assignments. Students will review the value of sentence variety and the importance of proofreading their work.

Estimated time: 3:54

Paraphrasing, Quoting, and Summarizing

This tutorial provides students with an overview of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing depending on the goal of their writing, plus how to accurately represent their sources.

Estimated time: 24-25 minutes

Academic Writing

In this video, students will learn that academic writing means contributing new knowledge and perspective to ongoing scholarly conversations.

Estimated time: 4:40. 

Writing and Communication

This quiz corresponds with the multimedia on writing and communicating in academic papers. 

Estimated time: 5-8 minutes