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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Libraries Information Literacy Modules

Instructions for Using the Modules with Moodle and Blackboard

These modules can be directly embedded into your course on Blackboard or Moodle using the LTI links (orange icons). The PDF instructions below describe how to use these links.  

If you are using the modules with a website other than Moodle or Blackboard, please use the direct links (green icon) to link to each module.

Information Has Value

Use this tutorial to introduce students to the ACRL Frame Information Has Value. Students will become aware of their roles as information creators and consumers and learn how issues like copyright and the digital divide affect their academic and personal lives.

Estimated time: 13-14 minutes

How to Read Scholarly Materials

Do your students feel intimidated by scholarly materials? This tutorial will walk students through the types and components of scholarly materials as well as strategies for strategic reading.

Estimated time (tutorial): 10-12 minutes

Use the video to help students get familiar with these valuable resources and learn tips for approaching, analyzing, and integrating scholarly materials into their projects.

Estimated time (video): 3:49