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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Libraries Information Literacy Modules

Instructions for Using the Modules with Moodle and Blackboard

These modules can be directly embedded into your course on Blackboard or Moodle using the LTI links (orange icons). The PDF instructions below describe how to use these links.  

If you are using the modules with a website other than Moodle or Blackboard, please use the direct links (green icon) to link to each module.

Selecting Appropriate Digital Resources

This tutorial will help students identify their information need in order to locate and assess relevant resources. Using the techniques in this tutorial, students will also be able to distinguish among types of online sources in order to select those most appropriate for their information need.

Estimated time: 26-29 minutes

Choosing a Database

Students can use this video to receive guidance on how to select the best database(s) for their information need and assignment requirements.

Estimated time: 3:41

Choosing and Using Keywords

This tutorial will walk students through the process of selecting, refining, and expanding their collection of search keywords in order to locate the most relevant information to their research topic.

Estimated time: 8-10 minutes

Search Techniques

Use Search Techniques Part 1 to familiarize students with strategic searching. Students will learn the purpose and uses of natural language and Boolean operators to broaden and narrow the scope of their search.

Estimated time: 11-15 minutes

In Search Techniques Part 2 students will learn strategic search approaches to navigate scholarly databases. Use this tutorial to introduce advanced search techniques for broadening and narrowing the scope of a search.

Estimated time 19-25 minutes

Refining Search Results

Use this video to help students navigate the search process. Students will learn techniques to conduct effective background research using multiple keywords in order to narrow in on a research focus.

Estimated time: 4:10

Search Techniques

This quiz corresponds with the multimedia on searching techniques.

Estimated time: 5-8 minutes