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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Market & Industry Resources


Contact Business Librarian Alison Messier for help with homework assignments, thesis preparation, research, special projects or any questions about using the UMass Amherst Libraries. In-person or virtual appointments can be scheduled for research consultations, reference questions, assignment assistance, or for general information. Follow the "Make An Appointment" link on the left-hand side to request an appointment with Alison.  For instant service, please visit our Get Help page, or use the links to the left below.


Marketing data is gathered through both primary and secondary research.

  • Primary data involves going directly to a source, to ask questions and gather information. Data is collected through interviews, surveys, observation, and focus groups, often by marketing firms hired for the purpose of conducting this research.
  • Secondary data is compiled and organized by others, and includes reports and studies conducted by government agencies, trade organizations, commercial publishers, and more. Secondary research can be found in articles in journals and magazines, analyst reports, statistical data, and industry reports.


Video: Primary & Secondary Research (requires UMass NetID & password to view)


This guide lists resources for secondary research in databases available at UMass Amherst Libraries, as well as links to free websites containing useful information. The tabs on the left-hand side of the page have more information about the following topics:

When conducting research, it is helpful to start with the databases that the library subscribes to. These databases generally contain higher quality sources and information than websites you find via a typical Google search. It can be difficult to know which database to use for your particular project or research needs. This video discusses how to go about choosing the best database.

Video: Choosing a Database (requires UMass NetID & password to view)


It can sometimes be hard to find sources of information that are reliable and credible. How do you know if what you are reading is accurate and relevant? The video below discusses strategies for evaluating sources.

Video: Evaluating Sources (requires UMass NetID & password to view)


It is important to cite all of your sources when writing or conducting research.

Proper citation of sources:

  • shows that you have done your research
  • provides a way to account for where you got your information
  • serves to give credit to other researchers
  • acknowledges the ideas and contributions of others. 

There are many different styles for citing sources. One of the most popular formats for business resources is the APA style, 7th edition. More information about APA style of citation format can be found via Purdue's Online Writing Lab, or OWL. In the summer of 2020, a working group of business librarians created a list of example citations of various business databases. More information about this working group and the full guide can be found here.