Submission Process
This page will walk you the process of submitting journal articles and book chapters to ScholarWorks. The process follows this general outline:
- Complete the submission form and upload a PDF of your journal article/book chapter, including supplemental files if desired.
- ScholarWorks does not send confirmation emails for submissions.
- A member of the ScholarWorks Team is notified of your submission and reviews it. Items will not be posted without review.
- Item reviews occur during normal business hours, Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm Eastern.
- If we have any questions about your submission, we will email you through ScholarWorks. If not, we will approve and post your submission.
- You will receive an email when your submission has been posted.
Logging into ScholarWorks
Navigate to ScholarWorks and click the Log In link in the top right corner. Choose "Log in with your NetID":
Logging in with your NetID will automatically create an account, so there is no need to register a new account. You will be prompted to log in with your UMass credentials.
Finding the Submission Form
Once you have logged in, a + (plus) sign will appear in the lefthand side of your screen:
When you click the + (plus), you'll see: New > Item. Click on "Item" and then choose the "Submit Research" collection:
Note: All UMass users will see options for submitting graduate theses and dissertations by default and this list cannot currently be reordered.
After selecting "Submit Research", you'll be taken to a submission form. The form will prompt you to upload a file as your first step. You may browse your computer for a file to upload or drag and drop your PDF.
Note: Filenames in ScholarWorks are now visible, so consider using our recommended filenaming convention for your file: LastnameArticleYear.pdf. Also, ScholarWorks will not convert Word files (.doc, .docx) into PDFs, so please upload a PDF.
Note: You can drag and drop multiple files into your submission if you have appendices or supplemental materials that you'd like to include.
Associating your ORCID with your Author Name
After you upload your file(s), you'll be prompted to describe your uploaded work, beginning with its author(s).
ScholarWorks now allows us to standardize author names by creating local authority records for authors using an author's ORCID. The directions below will show you how to associate your ORCID with your author authority record in ScholarWorks. Please see our ORCID guide to learn how to register for an ORCID if you don't have one!
If this is your first time submitting an item to new ScholarWorks, click the "Lookup" button to the right of the field for First name:
Choose the ORCID tab and use either your ORCID (ex. 0000-0002-3671-7447) or name to search:
Click the cloud icon to the right of your ORCID to associate it with your author name:
Click the "Import" button
You'll see a green "Import Successful" window and you may then close the Search for Authors box. You'll then see a green circle next to your last name:
Note: ScholarWorks will use the author name that you have associated with your ORCID profile. If you've entered a nickname or used all lowercase letters, that is what ScholarWorks will import into your submission. If your ORCID profile is private, ScholarWorks will not be able to associate your ORCID profile with your submission.
You can repeat this process for all of your co-authors if applicable, by clicking the + (plus) sign before the author field to add more authors. If your co-authors do not have ORCIDs, you may skip the lookup step and add their names directly into the form.
If you have previously submitted an item to ScholarWorks and imported your ORCID, you can search for yourself in the last name field for authors:
The Submission Form
Title: Enter the title of your article or book chapter.
Other Titles (optional): If your submission has an alternate title, please include it here.
Book or Journal Title (optional): If your article or chapter has been published in a journal or book, please include the title here.
Related Item(s) (optional): If this work is related to an external dataset, report, or other research output available on the web, you may include that link here. If you have multiple items that you'd like to link to, you may click the + (plus) to add more. These links will become active hyperlinks once your work has been approved and posted.
Publication Date: ScholarWorks requires at least a year of publication. Month and day are optional.
Type: Choose from the dropdown list of popular publication types (article, book chapter, report, etc.)
Publisher (optional): You may include the publisher of your work here.
Citation (optional): You may include a recommended citation if desired.
Series/Report No. (optional): You may include a volume and issue number, but they are optional.
Identifiers (optional): If your book chapter or article has already been published with a digital object identifier (DOI) you may include that here. By selecting "DOI" from the dropdown identifier list and then copying and pasting your DOI here:
Language (optional): You may choose the language of the publication from the dropdown list.
Subject Keywords (optional): You may include keywords for your work if desired. Please try to limit to no more than 7 keywords.
Abstract (optional, highly recommended): While abstracts are optional, we highly recommend you include yours for increased discoverability of your work.
Sponsors (optional): If your work was funded by a grant or fund, you may include that information here.
Description (optional): You may use this field to include any pertinent information not captured anywhere else in the form.
Upload files
While you can drag and drop your PDF into the submission form before you do anything else, this section of the submission form allows you to delete the file you've uploaded if you realize that you've attached the wrong file, have a typo, etc. It also allows you to rename your file. If you'd like to rename your file, click the pencil icon:
Here's an example of a file name being edited. Once you've done this, click the save button at the bottom of the window.
If you are including supplemental files, you can add descriptions to make the files more user friendly.
Creative Commons license (optional): ScholarWorks now provides users with a decision maker for choosing a Creative Commons license. If you would like to add a license, click "Creative Commons" in the dropdown menu for "Select a license type".
Answer the questions about the type of license you'd like to add, clicking the question marks (?) for explanations.
If you are happy with the license you've chosen, click the check box to grant the license.
Note: Please choose the "International" option no matter the license.
Non-Exclusive Distribution License: You must grant this license to complete your submission. A copy of this license will be saved in ScholarWorks along with your thesis/dissertation
Saving and Submitting your Work
Click the green deposit button to submit your work.
If you're not quite ready to submit and want to save the form for later, click the "Save for later" button instead.
To resume your submission, you'd log into ScholarWorks > mouse over the little person icon that appears once you've logged in and click on "MyDSpace":
Find your submission and click "Edit"
Once you've completed everything on the submission form, you can continue to click "Save for later" or click the green "Deposit" button:
The ScholarWorks Team will not see your submission until you click the Deposit button. Once you have deposited your work, it will show on your submissions page with a blue box that says "workflow"
Note: You will not be able to edit your submission once you've deposited it. You will only be able to view the metadata that you included in your submission form.
Once you have completed your submission, the ScholarWorks Team will review it and will contact you if any formatting revisions are required.
- Last Updated: Jan 21, 2025 1:13 PM
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