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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


A guide to UMass Amherst's open access digital repository.

The Submission Form

Once you have logged in to ScholarWorks, click on the Home link in the top right corner.  From here, you can navigate to your home department/program/research center or you may click on the Submit Research link.  

Screenshot of the Author Corner menu in ScholarWorks with Submit Research link circled

If you do not see your department listed or would like to have a new collection for a specific type of content created, please email

Once you click the Submit link for your desired collection, you'll need to click to accept its submission agreement.  You'll then be taken to a submission form that will ask you for more details about the work that you are submitting.

Red labels denote a required field that cannot be skipped:

  • Title - enter your title exactly as it appears in the published version
  • Author(s) - ScholarWorks will assume that you are the author of the work that you are submitting and will automatically add you as first author.  If you have co-authors, you can add them by clicking the green plus sign.  You can also reorder authors by typing a number in the box all the way to left.  If an author has previously submitted to ScholarWorks, their email will be suggested as you start typing in the Email field.  

           Screenshot of authors field on ScholarWorks submission form

  • Publication Date - please enter the year that your item was published
  • Journal or Book Title (if applicable) - this field will not appear for working papers, presentations, or reports collections
  • Abstract or Description (not required) - adding an abstract or description will make your submission more findable
  • ORCID (not required) - ScholarWorks does not have any integration with ORCID at the moment, but we recommend adding your ORCID identifier if you have one.  If multiple authors have ORCIDs, you may enter their last name followed by a hyphen and the ORCID (ex. Jerome - More information on the benefits of creating an ORCID identifier can be found here.
  • Citation level information (not required) - please enter pages, volume, issue/number of submitted item if applicable.
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI) (not required) - if your work has a DOI, please add the full URL in the DOI box.  If you are submitting a working paper, report, or presentation, we will create a DOI for you and you can leave the field blank.
  • Upload File - you can upload your file directly from your computer by clicking the "Upload file..." radio button or you can import it from a remote site. Importing only works if you're using a direct download URL that ends with a "filename.docx", "filename.pdf", etc. If you try any other kind of URL, you'll get an error message.  Please do not choose the "link out to file on remote site" option.  That will point users to an external site and will not pull any kind of file into ScholarWorks.


  • License field (not required) - please do not erase the text from the license field if it's present.
  • Creative Commons License (not required) - choose a Creative Commons license if your article/chapter was published with one or if you'd like to apply one to your work.  
  • Funder (not required) - please enter your funding information if applicable (ex. UMass SOAR fund, grant number, etc.)
  • Embargo (not required) - by default, our open access policy allows you to upload the final, peer reviewed, accepted manuscript ("post-print") to ScholarWorks without an embargo.  If this makes you uncomfortable, you can opt to adhere to your publisher's desired embargo requirements.
  • Additional files (not required) - if you have associated data or supplemental files that you'd like to include with your submission, check the box under "Additional Files" and follow the prompts after you click "Submit"





Submission Process

  • Complete the submission form.
  • If you have supplemental content that you would like to include with your submission, select the checkbox under Additional Files.
  • Review all the information on the submission form carefully before clicking the Submit button.
    • If you selected the additional files option, ScholarWorks will take you to a screen where you can upload additional materials immediately after you've clicked the submit button.
  • After you've completed your submission, ScholarWorks will show you your completed submission form and will give you the opportunity to make corrections.
  • ScholarWorks will ask you if you'd like to make additional submissions.  If not, you may log out of ScholarWorks.
  • Check your email for a confirmation of your submission to ScholarWorks.  Please be sure to check your junk of spam folder as ScholarWorks emails do occasionally get flagged as spam.
  • An administrator for your department/collection/program will review your submission and will contact you if any changes need to be made.  Administrators might also modify or add information to your submission form if necessary.
  • You'll receive an email when your submission has been approved and posted.