標點古今圖書集成 Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng全球第一個標點數位版,介面簡明,搜尋精準快速,檢索詞標示至段落,並有全文與原版對照,全文檔能複製引用,甚為便利,亦無繁冗功能減低搜尋正確度與效能,推出以來在國際漢學界頗受好評,已有百餘所知名漢學研究機構採購,是全球機構訂戶最多的版本。
The greatest encyclopedia of Chinese civilization in the world, the Biaodian Gujin Tushu Jicheng database (標點古今圖書集成), published by UDP in Taiwan, is not only the first punctuated version of its kind, but also the most popular digital version. It features full-text and full-image content, a clear and concise interface, a fast and precise search, and all search words are highlighted in the text. More than 100 institutions and famous universities around the world subscribe to the database.