Japanese 536/537: Library Guide for Sono Sensei's Class
Japanese E-Books/E-Manga
- BookWalkerBookwalker.jp is for Japanese language books and manga. Its strengths are light novels and manga, but it also includes regular novels as well. There is a sister site for English translations of light novels and manga.
- eBookJapanI will say that I like the books available, but changes in creating accounts (requiring a Japanese cell phone number) and inability to use the reader overseas renders it a lot less useful to me now.
- KinoppyKinoppy is Kinokuniya Bookstore. Not everything in its catalog is available to overseas users - so cross-check with BookWalker. You can usually find it in one or the other.
Library Catalogs 図書&雑誌名
- WorldCat This link opens in a new windowThe combined catalogs of most U.S. libraries.Content is freely available for use by all.
- Webcat PlusUse Webcat to find books and journals held by libraries in Japan. Please note that the readings are provided for authors and titles.大学図書館総合目録+1986年以降約78件の要旨・目次情報
- CiNii BooksThis is a very clean search engine and display for books held in Japanese academic libraries.
Vocabulary for Using Library Catalogs
詳細検索 しょうさいけんさく advanced search
タイトル title of the book or journal
著者名 ちょうしゃめい author
著者名典拠ID ちょうしゃめいてんきょID -- specific ID number assigned to an author, so people with the same name don't get mixed together.
ISBN - International Standard Book Number (10 or 13 digits). Each book published should have a unique number
ISSN - International Standard Serial Number (8 digits, often shown 4-4). Each journal title (not issue) is assigned a unique number
件名 けんめい - subject heading
分類 ぶんるい - classification number
資料種別 しりょうしゅべつ - by type of material
図書 としょ - books/monographs
雑誌 ざっし - journals/magazines
楽譜 がくふ music scores
地図 ちず - maps
書写資料 しょしゃしりょう - manuscripts (unpublished materials)
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:08 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.umass.edu/jpn536_537
- Print Page