Translating Japanese Literature
What do you do when your professor tells you to find and translate a Japanese short story that hasn't already been translated into English?
Japan Based Organizations
- SWET -- Society of Writers, Editors, and TranslatorsBased in Tokyo, Japan, SWET comprises people engaged not only in the three professions of writing, editing, and translating, but also in teaching, research, rewriting, design and production, copywriting, and other areas related to the written word in Japan.
- SCBWI Japan -- Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrator Japan ChapterSCBWI Japan, the Japan regional chapter of SCBWI, offers illustrators, writers and translators of children’s and young adult literature throughout Japan support, information, and community. Although primarily an English-language organization, SCBWI Japan welcomes members of all nationalities based in Japan and holds events throughout the year in English and Japanese.**PLEASE READ THE FAQ!! FABULOUS INFORMATION.
- JAT -- Japan Association of TranslatorsThe Japan Association of Translators (JAT) was founded in 1985 to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among translators working between Japanese and English, and to establish and maintain professional standards in the industry. Membership is limited to individuals who are engaged in, or interested in, translation or interpretation. JAT was officially recognized as a non-profit organization (NPO) in Japan in April 2001. As of November 2018, JAT had approximately 700 members, about half of whom reside outside Japan. JAT offers members a wide array of opportunities and resources for professional development and networking.
- Japan Translation Federationsample contracts used in Japan between companies and translators.
North American Based Organizations
- PEN America - Translation CommiteeInformation about prizes, model contracts, programs, events, and more.
Great Britain & Europe
- CEATL - European Council of Literary Translators' AssociationsSee Guidelines for Fair Contracts.
- Last Updated: Mar 6, 2024 11:00 AM
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