MacArthur, Douglas. Military situation, relief of Gen. MacArthur |
UM Microform 6544 |
8,000+ pp. Senate hearings, MacArthur's firing, Korean War. |
Maclure collection of French Revolutionary materials |
UM Microform 4376 |
25,000 French Revolution publications: newspapers, petitions. |
Manhattan Project: official history and documents |
UM Microform 6530 |
10,000+ pp. text/photos, atomic bomb's development & use. |
Mascarene family papers, 1687-1839 |
UM Microform 1390 |
Correspondence, etc. from Nova Scotia's Lt.-Governor + NS Loyalists. |
Massachusetts Archives |
UM Microfilm A180 |
328 vols. 17th-18th century military, land, court, etc. records. |
Massachusetts, Continental Loan Office records |
UM Microform 7957 |
1771-91. Est. to fund the Revo. Loan/liquidated debt certif., letters, etc. |
Massachusetts, Lists of the polls and...estates...1784 |
UM Microfilm 8730 |
Assessors' returns of 44 MA towns. List buildings, cattle, acreage, etc. |
Massachusetts, Local tax list through 1776 |
UM Microform 1579 |
Tax lists of MA towns for the Colonial period. Salem only 1682-1773. |
Massachusetts, Maritime records, 1779-1788 |
UM Microfilm A360b |
MSS records from MA Superior Court Judicature & Supreme Judicial Court. |
Massachusetts, Returns, accts. MA regiments/battalions |
UM Microform 7266 |
1779-82. # officers, phys. desc., arms/ammunition/rations accts. |
Massachusetts, Province in rebellion |
UM Microfiche 25 |
1774-75. Transcripts of 1,100 records from royal/revolutionary govt. in MA. |
Massachusetts, Superior Court of Judicature, 1692-1780 |
UM Microfilm A360a |
34 vols. of MSS records from MA Superior Court of Judicature. |
Massachusetts, Tax valuations |
UM Microfilm 12374 |
Town valuation summaries 1784-5, 1791, 1831, 1841, 1850, 1860. |
Mathers, Cotton. Papers |
UM Microform 7850 |
1636-1724. Cong. minister 2nd Ch. of Boston. Diaries, sermons, corresp. |
Mather, Increase, microfilm project |
UM Microform 7851 |
"Foremost American Puritan" of his day. 2nd Ch. Boston minister, Harv. pres. |
Mazzei, Philip. Papers |
UM Microform 5548 |
1730-1818. Italian merchant/diplomat. Nat. citizen of VA. Am. Revo. advocate. |
Mexico. Correspondence |
UM Microfilm A 988 |
1919-58. Corresp. between British Foreign Office, diplomats in Mexico. |
Mexico. Correspondence, filibustering expedition |
UM Microform D172 |
1811-1816. 30+ items including letters to James Madison & James Monroe. |
Mexico. Independent Mexico in newspapers, 19th cent. |
UM Microfilm A 1280 |
1807-1900. Selected titles, UTexas Benson Latin American Collection. |
Mexico. Orders of General Zachary Taylor...Mexican War |
UM Microform D165 |
1845-47. Complete set of orders to the Army of Occupation. |
Mexico. Revolutionary Mexico in newspapers |
UM Microfilm A 1281 |
1900-29. UTexas Benson Latin American collection. Reels 212-219 |
Mexico. U.S. military intelligence reports: Mexico |
UM Microform 6558 |
1919-41. 10,000 pp. re: political unrest, educational & land reform, etc. |
Middlesex Co...towns through 1830, Records |
UM Microfilm A588 |
MSS vital records, tax lists, etc. Some may go well beyond 1830. |
Montezuma, Carlos, MD. Papers |
UM Microform 7050 |
1890s-1920s. Yavapai Indian, physician, Native Am. rights crusader. |
Morris, Gouverneur Papers |
UM Microform 223 |
US Senator, Continental Congress member, Minister to France, lawyer. |
Murrow, Edward R., papers |
UM Microform 6796 |
1927-65. Founding father broadcast journalism, CBS exec., US Info. Agency Dir. |
Muste, A.J., Papers, 1920-1967 |
UM Microform 12369 |
Pacifist, labor organizer. Includes corresp., clippings, articles, etc. |
NAACP papers. Part 1 |
UM Microform 7578 |
Directors' mtgs., conf. records, major speeches, special repts. 1909-50. |
NAACP papers. Part 1 Suppl. #1 |
UM Microform 10534 |
Bd. of dir. minutes, mo & annual mtg. repts., conf. records 1951-55. |
NAACP papers. Part 1 Suppl. #2 |
UM Microform 10535 |
Time of violent reactions in So. states re: Brown v. Bd. of Education 1956-60. |
NAACP papers. Part 1 Suppl. #3 |
UM Microform 10536 |
Challenging period, Freedom Rides, sit-ins, March on Washington 1961-65. |
NAACP papers. Part 2 |
UM Microform 7579 |
Personal correspondence of selected NAACP officials 1919-39. |
NAACP papers. Part 3 A-D |
UM Microform 7078 |
Campaign for educ. equality, Legal Dept. & Central Office records 1913-50. |
NAACP papers. Part 4 |
UM Microform 7581 |
Voting rights campaign 1916-50. Intimidation, poll taxes, women's suffrage, etc. |
NAACP papers. Part 4 Suppl. |
UM Microform 11196 |
Voting rights, general office files 1956-65. |
NAACP papers. Part 5 |
UM Microform 7582 |
Campaign against residential segregation 1914-55. Complete housing files. |
NAACP papers. Part 6 |
UM Microform 7583 |
Scottsboro Case 1931-50. One of the key 20th cent. civil rights trials. |
NAACP papers. Part 7 A-B |
UM Microform 7584 |
Anti-lynching campaign 1912-55. Mobviolence, race riots. |
NAACP papers. Part 8 A-B |
UM Microform 8445 |
Discrimination in the criminal justic system 1910-55. |
NAACP papers. Part 9 A-C |
UM Microform 8725 |
Discrimination in the US Armed Forces 1918-55. |
NAACP papers. Part 11 |
UM Microform 11535 |
Subject files 1912-39. Pre-1940 files not filmed in NAACP Parts 1-10. |
NAACP papers. Part 12 B-C |
UM Microform 11195 |
Selected branch files 1913-39. Early civil rights activism + biographical info. |
NAACP papers. Part 15 A-B |
UM Microfilm 10786 |
Segregation & discrimination complaints & responses 1940-55. |
NAACP papers. Part 22 |
UM Microform 10787 |
Legal Dept. administrative files 1956-65. Cover civil rights law. |
NAACP papers. Part 23 B |
UM Microform 11192 |
Legal Dept. case files 1956-65. Aggressive litigation to est. desegregation. |
NAACP papers. Part 25 A |
UM Microfilm 12372 |
Regional branch files, special repts. 1941-55. Local leadership, networks. |
NAACP papers. Part 26 A-B |
UM Microfilm 12373 |
Selected branch files 1940-55. Covers office activities & state conferences. |
National Assn. of Colored Women's Clubs records |
UM Microform 11798 |
1895-1992. Pt. 1-2. Est. 1896. Oldest such women's group in US. |
National economy under President Johnson |
UM Microform 6547 |
Official history of 5 key players: Treas., SEC, FR, Budget, Econ. Advisers. |
National Negro Congress: FBI file on the NNC |
UM Microform 7711 |
Natl. Negro Congress: news summaries, membership rosters, repts., etc. |
National Security Council. Documents |
UM Microform 7591 |
1947-77. US Cold War relations with USSR, China, Korea, SE Asia, etc. |
National Security Council. Documents, 1st suppl. |
UM Microform 7592 |
1948-60. Covers US policy toward USSR, Korea, Israel, Arab States. |
National Security Council. Documents, 2nd suppl. |
UM Microform 7593 |
1948-61. Atomic energy, aid to Africa, communism in SE Asia, Vietnam. |
National Security Council. Documents, 3rd suppl. |
UM Microform 7594 |
1949-60. Psychological warfare, civil defense, China/UN, Latin America. |
National Security Council. Minutes, advisory reports. |
UM Microform 7596 |
1947-60. Policy papers, background documents, CIA reports, etc. |
Naval Astronomical Expedition. Correspondence |
UM Microform D194 |
Letters, notebooks, telescopic observations near Santiago. |
Naval Office shipping lists for Mass., 1686-1765. |
UM Microform 1502 |
Boston, Salem, Marblehead, Newbury, York. Some cargo included slaves. |
Navy. Hearings before the General Board of the Navy |
UM Microform 6516 |
1917-50. 23,000 pp. 68-subj. classification: budget, naval stations, etc. |
Navy. Records. US surveying expedition N. Pacific Ocean |
UM Microform D33 |
1852-63. Reconnaissance mission for naval/commercial purposes. |
New Deal agencies & black America in the 1930s |
UM Microform 6551 |
Resources from the many agencies involved with FDR's ND & black America. |
New York City. Photographic views of New York City |
UM Microfiche 232 |
54,000 photographs from NY Public Library. 1870s-1970s. |
Negro in the military service of the U.S. |
UM Microform D312 |
Documents copied from primary sources for AGO's Colored Troops Division. |
Nicaragua. Confidential diplomatic post records |
UM Microform 6540 |
1930-45. Messages from D.C. to US embassies, locally-gathered info. |
Nicaragua. Confidential State Dept. files, 1945-1949 |
UM Microform 7246 |
Internal/foreign affairs. Rise of efforts to overthrow Anastasio Somoza. |
Nicaragua. Confidential State Dept. files, 1950-1954 |
UM Microform 7247 |
Internal/foreign affairs. US relations, Somoza's power consolidation. |
Oliver family papers, 1419-1946 |
UM Microform 5543 |
Distinguished family of varied careers - MA chief justice/lt. gov., MDs, etc. |
Oneida Community |
UM Microform 2648 |
1834-1972. Books, pamphlets, serials. 19th century NY Perfectionists. |
Oppenheimer, J. Robert. FBI security file |
UM Microform 7130 |
Taped phone conversations, opened mail, interrogations of colleagues. |
Oriental question 1840-1890 |
UM Microform 10533 |
Letters of Queen Victoria & leading polit. figures re: "Near Eastern Question." |
Osage Indian murders, FBI files |
UM Microform 7710 |
1921-23 OK murders committed for access to the tribe's great oil wealth. |
Otis, Harrison Gray. Papers |
UM Microform 5679 |
1691-1870. Federalist, lawyer, Congressman, Senator, Boston mayor. |
Palestine. Anglo-American Com of Inquiry, reports |
UM Microform 7726 |
1944-46. Confidential files, Jewish survivors, Palestine resettlement. |
Palestine & Israel. Confidential State Dept. files |
UM Microform 6560 |
1945-49. Internal/foreign affairs incl. polit., military, social, econ. |
Palestine & Israel. Confidential State Dept. files |
UM Microform 6694 |
1950-54. Am. diplomatic reports on military, econ., polit., social. |
Panama. Crises in Panama & the Dominican Republic |
UM Microform 6550 |
Natl. secur. files, NSC histories re: 1964 Panama riots, 1965 DR intervention. |
Parker, Theodore. Papers |
UM Microform 5678 |
1826-62. Boston Unitarian minister & social causes advocate. Letters, diaries. |
Pattison, James, papers 1777-1781 |
UM Microform 2284 |
British general, artillery officer. New York city/garrison commandant. |
Pelham (Mass.). Records, 1743-1779, 1792 |
UM Microfilm A246 |
355 items including town meeting minutes, valuations, voter lists, etc. |
Penn, Thomas, Papers, 1729-1832 |
UM Microform 1264 |
Wm. Penn's son, PA proprietor, and major landowner residing in England. |
Periodiques clandestins 1939-1945 |
UM Microfilm A345 |
Periodicals, French & other resistance groups during World War II. |
Periodiques diffuse clandestinement, France 1941-45
UM Microfilm A344 |
Underground papers, France in resistance to German occupation. |
Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, papers |
UM Microform 7267 |
1789-1892. Business recs., corresp., successful Boston China merchant. |
Peru. Women in Peru: pamphlets |
UM Microform 10530 |
1983-85. From Princeton Univ. Latin American pamphlet collection. 26 items. |
Peru. Women in Peru II: pamphlets |
UM Microform 10531 |
1980-90. From Princeton Univ. Latin American pamphlet collection. 64 items. |
Pickering, Timothy papers |
UM Microfilm 319 |
Revolutionary War Quartermaster General, Secretary of War and State. |
Powderly, Terence Vincent. Papers |
UM Microform 6797 |
1864-1924. Corresp., Knights of Labor leaders TVP & John Wm. Hayes. |
Prescott, MA town records |
UM Microfilm A243 |
Town meeting and misc. records. |
Press cuttings files, 1956-67 |
UM Microform 735 |
South African Institute of Race Relations newspaper clippings files. |
Price, Ezekiel, Papers, 1754-1785 |
UM Microform 740 |
Letters, petitions, etc. re: the Am. Revolution, Maine lands, Boston. |
Pynchon, Major John, Account Books |
UM Microform 1489 |
Son of Springfield MA founder, principal merchant for W. New England |
Quincy, Wendell, Holmes, Upham families. Papers |
UM Microform 6021 |
1633-1910. Clergy, physician, Congressman, Patriot, author, etc. |
Revolutionary War prize cases |
UM Microform D38 |
1776-1787. Appeals cases concerning captured British vessels. |
Robeson, Paul. FBI file |
UM Microform 7709 |
1941-78. Investigation of performer/civil rts. activist's, Communist party ties. |
Roosevelt, Eleanor, papers |
UM Microform 7597 |
1933-45. Corresp. re: Depression relief, welfare, race relations, women, youth. |
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Press Conferences |
UM Microform 1496 |
1933-1945. 1933-1945. 1,011 original stenographic transcripts. |
Rowan, Stephen C., papers, 1826-1890 |
UM Microform D205 |
Vice & Rear Admiral, Commandant Navy Yard NY, Supt. Naval Observatory. |
Ruffin, Edmund, Diary |
UM Microform 1504 |
VA agriculturalist. Strongly anti-union. Includes newspaper clippings. |
Russia, Expedition in North Russia, 1918-1919 |
UM Microform 4056 |
Declassified docs re: the American Expeditionary Force intervention. |
Russia in transition |
UM Microform 7043 |
1916-18. Am. Amb. David R. Francis' Russian Revo. era diplom. papers. |
Russian revolutionary literature |
UM Microform 6577 |
Pre-1917 books, pamphlets, broadsides (some during & after 1917). 1,200 titles. |