Gallatin, Albert (1761-1849). Papers |
UM Microform 1501 |
U.S. Treasury Secretary and Congressman, diplomat. |
German baroque literature |
UM Microfilm A231 |
2,363 titles from 1575-1740. Based on Yale's collection. |
German books before 1601 |
UM Microform A94 |
Books printed in the German-speaking countries, 1455-1600 |
German Foreign Office, Records |
UM Microform D363 |
Political archive files, 1920-1945, received by Dept. of State |
German & Austrian drama |
UM Microform 6809 |
3,308 titles, German & Viennese plays/opera libretti, pub. 1740-90. |
Germany & its occupied territories, World War II |
UM Microform 7036 |
OSS/State Dept. reports by leading scholars in intl. affairs. 440 titles. |
Germany, Reports...military,Germany, US Zone |
UM Microform 7133 |
1945-53. Occupied Germany's transformaton to a Fed. Repub. |
Germany, NSDAP Hauptarchiv |
UM Microform 4452 |
1919-1933. Historical, German Nationalist Socialist Party Archive. |
Germany, U.S. military intelligence reports |
UM Microform 7079 |
1919-41. Voluminous reports on German domestic & foreign affairs. |
Germany, U.S. Dept. of State, internal affairs, Russian Zone |
UM Microform D362 |
1950-54. Consular/diplomatic docs. re: E. German industry, society. |
Gilbert, W.S., Correspondence, diaries... |
UM Microform 12365 |
From the British Lib. Literary MSS, prompt copies, drawings, music. |
Gloucester records 1642-1874 |
UM Microfilm A632 |
Town, parish meetings, Selectmen and Assessors records, deeds. |
Great Britain. Colonial reports - annual |
UM Microfiche 473 |
1889-1938/39. British Colonial Office. 1,936 annual reports. |
Green, Nathanael Papers |
UM Microform 255 |
Continental Army Major- and Quartermaster-General. |
Greenwich (Mass.). Town records |
UM Microfilm A244 |
1782-1916. Town meeting minutes; militia, pew, and voter lists. |
Hadley, MA, Proprietors' records; highways |
UM Microfilm A241 |
1659-1813. Originals and transcriptions. |
Hadley, MA, Votes and minutes, etc. |
UM Microfilm A242 |
1659-1954. Town meeting records. |
Hale, George Ellery. Papers |
UM Microform 7724 |
1882-1937. Astrophysicist. Founded observatories, Astrophysical Journal |
Hampshire County, MA, Probate records |
UM Microfilm 1555 |
1660-1820. Manuscript volumes. |
Hancock Family papers |
UM Microform 5792 |
1728-1815. Mainly re: wealthy Boston merchant Thomas & nephew John. |
Harbottle Dorr...annotated Massachusetts newspapers |
UM Microform 2332 |
1765-1776. Dorr's collection, 7 papers, broadsides & pamphlets. |
Hardy, Thomas, Original manuscripts and papers |
UM Microform 3822 |
Manuscripts, scrapbooks, posters, biographical material. |
Herstory |
UM Microform 2337 |
317 women's movement newspapers, journals, 1956-1971. |
Herstory 1 addenda |
UM Microform 2816 |
Fill-in issues for Herstory I of titles published before Oct., 1971. |
Herstory 1 update |
UM Microform 2817 |
Continues Herstory I with 10/71-6/73 newspapers, some intl. titles. |
Herstory 1 continuing update |
UM Microform 4372 |
Updates Herstory I titles for 7/73-6/74. |
Herstory 2 |
UM Microform 2818 |
Further Herstory additions. Mostly new titles from 10/71-6/73. |
Herstory 2 update |
UM Microform 4373 |
Continuation of Herstory 2 serials, 7/73-6/74. |
Herstory 3 |
UM Microform 4374 |
Contains new titles - serials which first began publishing 7/73-6/74. |
Herter, Christian A., Papers...and John Foster Dulles |
UM Microform 7254 |
Secretaries of State corresp., memos, speeches, Pres. mtgs. |
Hillquit, Morris, Papers |
UM Microform 4064 |
Socialist and labor leader, author, politician. |
Hispanic culture series, books before 1601 |
UM Microform A152 |
Spanish, Spanish American, Portuguese books printed before 1601. |
Historic American Buildings Survey |
UM Microfiche 238- |
Graphic record, 1933 of American building art. Photos, description. |
Historic American Building Survey - Measured drawings |
UM Microform 5022 |
Highly accurate detailed drawings based on existing structures. |
History of women |
UM Microfilm 6811 |
1700s to 1920. Books, pamphlets, manuscripts, photographs. |
Hopedale Community, 1821-1938 |
UM Microform 5018 |
Founded in Mendon, MA 1846. Books, pamphlets, photos, MSS. |
House Committee, Un-American Activities, FBI file |
UM Microform 7260 |
1938-75. Hundreds of repts. from the anti-communist investigations. |
House of Commons, Committee reports, 1715-1801 |
UM Microform 2856 |
First Series. 100+ reports on all aspects of 18th century life. |
Indian census rolls, 1885-1940 |
UM Microform D111 |
Show English/Indian names, age/DOB, sex, family relationships. |
International Brigade archives |
UM Microfiche 706 |
1936-39. Corresp., volunteers fighting fascism, Spanish Civil War. |
International population census, Europe |
UM Microform A560 |
Census statistics: Europe, 1945-1966. |
Israel, national security files |
UM Microform 6574 |
1963-69. US diplomats' messages, US amb./Israeli PM, briefings. |
Italian books before 1601 |
UM Microform A95 |
Books published in Italy or written in Italian, 1465 - 1600. |
Italy. U.S. military intelligence reports: Italy |
UM Microform 7076 |
1918-41. Evolution of modern Italy, fascism's rise, Europe between wars. |
Jackson, Andrew. Papers, microfilm supplement |
UM Microform 7722 |
1770-1845. 14,000 documents supplementing the LC microfilm. |
Jefferson, Thomas. Papers |
UM Microform 7723 |
Corresp., court cases, acct. books, etc. Primarily polit./legal. |
Johnson, Lyndon B., . Minutes/docs., cabinet meetings |
UM Microform 6546 |
1963-69. 20,000 pp. minutes + memos, briefings, weekly reports. |
Journaux de la periode de la Commune |
UM Microfilm A341 |
26 Paris newspapers from The Commune,1871 workers' uprising. |
Journaux ephemeres de la periode de la revolution |
UM Microfilm A342 |
95 titles issued in Paris 1789-1792. |
Kennedy, John F., Appointment book |
UM Microform 6567 |
1961-63. Complete mtgs. schedule, home/abroad, topics, participants. |
Kennedy, John F., President Kennedy & the press |
UM Microform 6568 |
JFK admin. public relations. Press conf., news releases, briefings. |
Kent State. FBI files on the fire bomb & shooting |
UM Microform 7042 |
Articles, interviews, etc. re: shooting 5/4/70 & ROTC fire 5/2/70. |
Kester, Howard A., Papers, 1923-1972 |
UM Microform 2857 |
White Southerner. Labor, race relations, and economic reformer. |
King, Martin Luther, Jr., FBI assassination file |
UM Microform 7065 |
44,000+ pp. Search for/conviction of J.E.Ray. Background on MLK. |
King, Martin Luther, Jr., FBI file |
UM Microform 6553 |
17,000 pp. of surveillance on America's foremost civil rights leader. |
King, Martin Luther, Jr., FBI file Pt. II |
UM Microform 7602 |
Trans. of conversations with Stanley Levison, a trusted confidant. |
Knox, Henry (1750-1806). Papers |
UM Microform 312 |
Secretary of War, Revolutionary War major-general. 1719-1825. |
Korean conflict. Historical manuscripts |
UM Microform 3823 |
Maps, charts, photographs, after-action interviews. |
Korean conflict. Admin. histories, US civilian agencies |
UM Microform 5893 |
178 titles, 21 agencies, mobilization & managing the economy. |
Lange, Dorothea, Farm Security Administration. Papers |
UM Microfiche 127 |
1935-39. 1,300 photos of America's rural poor, Great Depression. |
Latin America: national security files 1961-63 |
UM Microform 8446 |
JFK Lib. repts., cables, focus on Brazil, Cuba, Dominican R. |
Latin America: national security files 1963-1969 |
UM Microform 8447 |
LBJ files. Brazil, Cuba, Panama, Mexico, Alliance for Progress. |
Latin America: OSS/State Dept. intell., research rpts, Pt. 14: |
UM Microform 6536 |
1941-61. 369 repts. by scholars, domestic, econ., polit., govt. |
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry. Papers |
UM Microfiche 552 |
Architect, engineer. Designed homes, public structures, waterways. |
Legal treatises. Nineteenth century legal treatises |
UM Microfiche 881 |
Category 19 Legal history. 256 American/British legal monographs. |
League of Nations documents 1919-1946 |
UM Microform D269 |
Selected titles. Comprehensive document, serial collection. |
Lee family papers, 1742-1795 |
UM Microform 581 |
Successful merchants who served in Congress & foreign ministers. |
Lewis, John L., Papers |
UM Microform 3663 |
United Mine Workers president. Includes letters, clippings, photos. |
Lexington alarm |
UM Microform 4196 |
Handwritten town lists of those responding to April 19, 1775 alarm. |
Lincoln, Benjamin, Papers |
UM Microform 1510 |
1635-1964. Major-General, Secretary of War, MA governor. |
Livingston William, Papers, 1695-1839 |
UM Microform 932 |
Militia command, Continental Congress delegate, NJ's 1st governor. |
London Trades Council minutes, 1860-1953 |
UM Microfilm A779 |
Accounts, reports, workers' evolution into labor movement. |
Louisbourg papers: expedition of 1745 |
UM Microform 738 |
William Pepperrell commanded siege, Fr. Cape Breton garrison. |
Low Countries, Books printed before 1601 |
UM Microform A126 |
Based on British Museum. Department of Printed Books. |
Los Angeles riots, 1965. Governor's Commission |
UM Microform 1018 |
Depositions, transcripts, reports, interviews. |