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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


Guide for Library Research in Anthropology

Library Guide to Anthropology 150: Ancient Civilizations

Citation Management

Use a citation manager, such as Zotero or RefWorks to keep track of your research.  Put all your references in one place, create quick and easy bibliographies, build your knowledgebase.

More on using Zotero...



For help on RefWorks, check out the online guides and webinars or Ask a Librarian.

Finding Books

To find books at UMass, you have two options.

1. Start with the Discover Search general search box on the library home page,  


This search gives you access to books and articles and more.

. Or, use the Five Colleges Library Catalog.


This catalog lets you search in some very specifc ways, for example, by Library of Congress Subject Heading. Be as specific as possible in your searching. Start with a subject search (use keyword if subject yields no results). Search by author, title, subject, keyword, call number, journal title, etc. For materials on a specific subject, enter your term(s) into the Subject or Keyword search boxes.

To find books not at UMass


Online Encyclopedias

Authoritative, online encyclopedias

Databases for scholarly journal articles

Use these databases to access focused Anthropology and Archaeology research

If full-text isn't provided, click the red UMLinks button in the citation to check for other options.

  • Anthropology Plus
    Provides citations, abstracts and full text of articles from several hundred sources, including scholarly journals in communication, interpersonal communication, mass media, and journalism journals, plus articles on communication published in the journals of other disciplines, and mass media trade journals. Some coverage back to  1920's-
  • AnthroSource
    The full text of the 32 journals published by the American Anthropological Association, some dating back to the nineteenth century. 
  • eHRAF Archaelogy
    Archaeology books, journal articles, and dissertations describing prehistoric life and archaeological sites across the world, 1983-present.

Use these databases to access related disciplines 

  • Academic Search Premier
    Citations, abstracts and full-text articles from scholarly and general-interest periodicals relating to social sciences, humanities, education,physical, and biological sciences. 1975-
  • Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI)
    Citations to articles from social science and humanities journals in English and Spanish. 1970-
    Full text scholarly articles in many fields. Most recent years usually not included.
  • Project Muse
    Full-text articles from scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Web of Science
    Covers almost all English-language scholarly journals. Provides a means of tracing where an article is cited, as well as topic and author searching. Social sciences journals are covered since 1956.

Tips for Databases

  1. From off-campus locations, an IT Computer Account is required to access licensed databases.
  2. Use a citation manager, such as RefWorks or Zotero to manage your citations and create your bibliography.
  3. After you've run a search, use the button (if the database has it) to retrieve articles or to be taken directly to Interlibrary Loan, so you can order the article if UMass does not have it.

Reference Services

We order for you - for free!

Use your Interlibrary Loan account to:

  • Borrow books, videos, and other materials not available in the Five College system.
  • Request electronic copies of articles and book chapters not available at UMass.
  • In databases, and in your Refworks account, use the button to  taken directly to Interlibrary Loan, so you can order articles if UMass does not have them.