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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

African Studies

African Studies web page

Welcome to the UMass Library's African Studies research guide.

This guide is designed to assist you in doing library research in African Studies.

This guide has a reference sources page with print & electronic encyclopedias, handbooks, and dictionaries on Africa, a page with scholarly article databases on African Studies, a page with a guide to primary resources on Africa and African colonization by European power, with microfilm and print sources (including older newspapers), a page with Web resources complied by experts in the field, a page on e-newspapers, and a page on finding movies & documentaries.

The column at the left, "Doing academic research," contains PowerPoint presentations on better searching techniques, how to use interlibrary loan, WorldCat, finding book reviews, etc.

If I can help with individual research, please contact me to arrange a meeting.

Check out this course research guide to Afro American Studies 254: Introduction to African Studies


Citation Management

Use a citation manager, such as Zotero to keep track of your research.

Put all your references in one place, create quick and easy bibliographies, build your knowledgebase for the rest of your career. For help, check out the online guides and webinars or Ask a Librarian. 

Some tips on using Chicago notation style with Zotero