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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Literature Review Tips & Tools

On this guide, we share tips for doing any type of comprehensive literature review and tools that can help in the process.


A freely-available reference manager that we currently offer support for is Mendeley.

Learn more about Mendeley - and who to contact for help - on the Citation Managers at UMass guide.

Get started with Mendeley

Mendeley Reference Manager has replaced Mendeley Desktop as Mendeley's primary reference manager. Currently both reference managers are available and can be installed at the same time. There will be a notice period before Mendeley Desktop is retired. 

There are four components of Mendeley that will help you to collect, organize, and cite research. Follow these steps to get started. 

  1. Go to to create an account. This will create your Mendeley Web Library account. 
  2. Add Mendeley Web Importer to your browser. This will identify the browser that you are using and is compatible for UMass Community members with Firefox, Safari, and Edge. Mendeley Web Importer cannot currently be added to Chrome because of UMass IT security settings.
  3. Download Mendeley Reference Manager.
    This is the desktop client that will sync to your Mendeley Web Library account. 

  4. Install Mendeley Cite for Word. 
    This will allow to import citations into your documents.