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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

HONORS 260H Science informed Public Policy - Lisa Troy

Library resources for your annotated bibliography and Public Policy-related paper (course formerly known as SRVCLRNG 293H and HONORS 297EH)

Suggested Databases

CRS Reports

Find CRS (Congressional Research Service) reports are prepared by experts at the Library of Congress to provide information about timely issues for members and committees of Congress. 

The CRS Report "Food Insecurity Among College Students: Background and Policy Options" was published in June 2021.

Use the advanced search feature to limit to just CRS reports if you want to search on your own using the link below.


Accessing Age Group Filters in PubMed

Accessing Age Group Filters in PubMed

  1. Conduct a search in PubMed.
  2. On the Results page, look on the left where the default filters are displayed.
  3. At the bottom of the list, click the button “Additional filters.”
  4. Click on “Age” and then click in the boxes for all the age categories you want to have available.
  5. Click the “Show” button.
  6. You should now have a filter section called “Age.”
  7. Click on the one (or ones) you want to limit your search to studies identified as having that age group as subjects.

You can go through a similar process for other filters available.