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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


A subject guide for conducting research in the field of Communication.

Open Educational Resources in Communication

The Gears of Academia imageOpen Educational Resources (OER) are free, openly licensed, educational materials such as textbooks, videos, podcasts, primary source materials, syllabi, etc. that can be used for teaching in place of traditional high-cost course materials. OER can be found in repositories, individual websites, government and educational websites. The library offers incentives to transition your class away from a traditional textbook to an open textbook. More information about our grant program and OER in general can be found here.
Below are recent examples of Communication-oriented OER. I will add new material as I find it.




Lesson Plans

The below titles are all Open Access works available via Knowledge Unlatched

Open Access Monographs in Communication, Cultural Studies, & More

Open Access Textbooks in Communication