Nursing 312: Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness
A selection of e-books in UMass Amherst collections. To search our major ebook package sites with science content, see options on far right.
Books @ Du Bois Library
A brief selection of new additions to the print book collections follows. Call number after the title is W.E.B. Du Bois Library location unless noted.
Food, medicine, and the quest for good health : nutrition, medicine, and culture by Nancy N. Chen; RM217 .C44 2009
Making sense of language : readings in culture and communication by Susan D. Blum. P107 .B595 2009
Culture and panic disorder edited by Devon E. Hinton and Byron J. Good. RC535 .C88 2009
Indigenous peoples’ food systems : the many dimensions of culture, diversity and environment for nutrition and health edited by Harriet V. Kuhnlein, Bill Erasmus, Dina Spigelski. Science Library TX361.N3 I53 2009
Biomedical ambiguity : race, asthma, and the contested meaning of genetic research in the Caribbean by Ian Whitmarsh. RA645.A83 W45 2008
Master mechanics & wicked wizards : images of the American scientist as hero and villain from colonial times to the present by Glen Scott Allen; Q127.U6 A6815 2009
The politics of inquiry : education research and the "culture of science" by Benjamin Baez and Deron Boyles. LB1028 .B267 2009
Food, medicine, and the quest for good health : nutrition, medicine, and culture by Nancy N. Chen. RM217 .C44 2009
- Discovery Search This link opens in a new windowFind articles across a large number of library resources with just one search! Begin your generalized research here.Free to use for anyone to find records. Some results, and detailed information such as PDFs and full text links, are available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
Other Library Catalogs
- WorldCat This link opens in a new windowThe combined catalogs of most U.S. libraries.Content is freely available for use by all.
E-book Packages
- Gale Virtual Reference Library This link opens in a new windowA collection of several hundred current subject encyclopedias.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Oxford Reference Online This link opens in a new windowEntries from over 100 Oxford University Press subject and language dictionaries, guides, and concise companions.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- SpringerLink This link opens in a new windowFull text books, 2005-2010, and current journals from science publisher Springer, mainly in English.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:03 PM
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