Scholarly Communication Librarian
Room 1967
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
Creative Commons License
About ORCiD and Your ORCiD ID
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) iD is a free, unique, persistent, and universal digital identifier that reliably connects you with your scholarly outputs (articles, chapters, data sets, grants, peer reviews, etc.) through a transparent and trustworthy system. Your ORCiD ID has an associated profile for you to share your biographical statement, keywords, employment, education, funding, professional activities, works and more! Learn more about the ORCID non-profit organization.
The Libraries offer consultations on ORCID and its integration with other platforms, such as NIH, NSF (SciENcv) and other funders. Contact Christine Turner (cturner@library.umass.edu), Scholarly Communication Librarian, for assistance.
What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.
Why Get an ORCiD ID?
- Your ORCID identifer disambiguates you and your works from others with similar names. It's a UNIQUE IDENTIFIER for you!
- ORCID improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs (maximize your impact). Wherever your ORCiD ID is displayed (authored articles/book chapters, web pages, email signatures, etc.), people can link to your profile.
- Many publishers use it (and require it)
- Many funding agencies require it
- Applications submitted to the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Center for Disease Control and Prevention require an ORCID
- You manage your professional data:
- Biographical information
- Employment
- Education & Qualifications
- Professional Activities (including Memberships, Service, Invited positions & Distinctions)
- Funding
- Works
- Peer Review Activity (added by trusted organization)
- Research Resources (added by trusted organization)
- You reduce paperwork by exchanging your data with other organizations and platforms
- You control:
- Visibility of your profile
- Name variations (maiden name, middle name, middle initial, etc.)
- Other researcher IDs associated with your record
- Data transfer with other organizations (publishers, funders, employers)
- Notifications of updates to your record, security, privacy, etc.
ORCID Profile Basics - Tutorial
How Do You Get an ORCiD ID?
- Search ORCID to check if you already have one. If you do, sign in
- Register for a personal account, complete your profile, and set your visibility settings to "Everyone."
- To login to ORCiD using your UMass NetID, link your personal ORCID account to your UMass Amherst NetID by clicking the Access through your institution button
- Type in your affiliation or search for University of Massachusetts Amherst. Once you login to ORCID with your NetID, it will prompt you to link your personal ORCID account to your institutional account. This is for authentication purposes only.
Maintain Your Profile
- Set your account visibility to "everyone" so your profile information can be widely viewed. You can also manage the visibility of specific item data.
- Allow trusted organizations, such as a publisher, funder or your institution, to update your profile with works, peer review, funding, employment information, etc. so you don't have to! (you can remove a trusted organization at any time in your account settings)
- Authorize Crossref and/or DataCite – the main DOI providers for research publications – to automatically update your record whenever you publish a journal article or dataset.
- Use the ORCID Search & Link tools to add existing works to your record. You can import information from some of the biggest databases, like Crossref Metadata Search, ResearcherID (Web of Science), and ScopusID; from discipline specific databases like Europe PubMed Central and the MLA International Bibliography; and country and/or language-specific databases such as Airiti, KoreaMed, and Redalyc.
- Import works, including Google Scholar citations, using BibTex Import Tool.
- Add Funding information to your profile, using the DimensionsWizard or manually.
- Update your notification preferences
- Link other email accounts
Use Your ORCiD ID
- Manage your visibility settings so your profile is public. You can keep any discrete item in your record private. Your ORCID profile is not useful if no one can see it!
- Provide your ORCID identifier on your web page, social media profiles, email signature and other researcher profile systems. Create a QR Code for your ORCiD ID. You can find code for your ORCID ID in your account settings under "sharing"
- Use your ORCID identifier when you submit publications, grant applications and contribute to research workflows
- Download your data
Resources & Workshops
- ORCiD provides extensive help
- Information about being a "trusted individual" on someone else's account.
- Virtual workshop:
Tools for Managing Your Scholarly Identity: Building & Maintaining Your ORCiD Profile
Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a free, unique, persistent and universal digital identifier that improves recognition and discoverability for you and your research outputs. Think of it as a digital curriculum vitae (CV) that you can share across the globe. Many publishers and funders require it. For those who have an ORCiD ID (https://orcid.org/), this workshop provides dedicated time to review and expand your profile with librarian guidance.
Note #1: ORCID registration is required for doctoral dissertation and masters theses submissions to ScholarWorks.
Note #2: We encourage you to obtain an ORCiD ID before the workshop. Guidance is available: https://guides.library.umass.edu/ScholarlyPublishing/ORCiD
Proposed for grad students, faculty and staff
Facilitated by Christine Turner
Register for Tuesday, October 8th, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Register for Tuesday, November 4th, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Register for Friday, December 13th, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
- Last Updated: Oct 2, 2024 5:03 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.umass.edu/ORCID
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