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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


About ORCID and managing your ORCID ID profile

What is SciENcv?

SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curiculum Vitae) is an integrated, electronic system that researchers can use to create and maintain biographical sketches that are submitted with grant applications. SciENcv is hosted by the National Center for Bioinformatics Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine. Originally developed to support NIH grant applications, SciENcv is being used by other federal agencies, such as NSF and DoE, to assist researchers in grant preparation.

Beginning October 2023, SciENcv will be mandatory for all NSF grant applications.

SciENcv works by pulling information from other reputation and grant management systems (NCBI, ORCID, eRA Commons) to make biosketch creation fast and easy. SciENcv:

  • Eliminates the need to repeatedly enter biosketch information
  • Reduces the administrative burden associated with federal grant submission and reporting requirements
  • Provides access to a researcher-claimed data repository with information on expertise, employment, education, and professional accomplishments
  • Allow researchers to describe their scientific contributions in their own language

(image source MIT:

Accessing SciENcv through NCBI

  1. Login to NCBI:
    All users must login to NCBI using a third party account. This can be an existing eRA Commons or account, or ORCID. We recommend ORCID. Using ORCID with SciENcv can streamline the process of creating a biosketch. 
  2. Create or link an existing account.
    When you login via third-party for the first time, you will be prompted to create a new NCBI account or to link to an existing account. NCBI accounts that are linked to an NIH eRA Commons, NSF FastLane, or ORCID account can access the data stored in those linked accounts. 
  3. Access SciENcv from your NCBI Dashboard.
    SciENcv is one of many tools on the NCBI Dashboard. The SciENcv portlet is by default on the lower right.
  4. Manage your SciENcv documents.
    Once you are in SciENcv, it is easy to create, edit, or delete Biosketches and Current & Pending documents

Creating an NSF Biosketch in SciENcv

  1. Create a New Document. 
    Follow the prompts to set up a new Biosketch document. Use a naming convention and select ORCID as your external data source.  
  2. Review and Edit Sections. 
    Several ORCID data fields map directly to the NSF Biosketch sections: Biography, Keywords, Employment, Education, and Works. For each section, review the imported data, make edits or deletions as needed. 
  3. Export your Biosketch.
    When you have completed your Biosketch, export as a PDF. The PDF will not be editable and it will be signed by the NCBI. Submit this with your grant application materials. 

Creating an NSF Current & Pending Support Document in SciENcv

  1. Create a New Document.
    Follow the prompts to set up a new Current & Pending document. Currently you can create a new document or edit an existing document.
  2. Manually Add Award and In-Kind Support information. 
    Some of this data can be copied from your ORCID profile. Some of it you will have to enter into SciENcv.
  3. Export your Current & Pending.
    When you have competed your Current & Pending, export as a PDF. The PDF will not be editable and it will be signed by the NCBI. Submit this with your grant application materials. 

Becoming a Delegate

  1. Create an ORCID Account.
    Once you have created an ORCID account for yourself, faculty can add you as a trusted individual to their account. As a trusted individual, you can upload and edit ORCID profiles on their behalf.
  2. Create an NCBI Account.
    Once you have created an NCBI for yourself, faculty can add you as a delegate to their account. As a delegate, you can manage MyBibliography and SciENcv documents on their behalf. 
  3. Login to access delegated accounts.
    Access delegated accounts through your own ORCID and SciENcv accounts.