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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


Overview of Workshop 1: Intro

This workshop will cover:

  • An introduction to typesetting documents with LaTeX
  • An orientation to Overleaf (creating a project, navigating the user interface, etc.)
  • General document structure
  • Adding and modifying text
  • Adding images

Access Workshop 1: Intro Materials

In order to follow along with the workshop, follow the steps below:

  1. Open up this Overleaf Project: Workshop 1: Intro
  2. Click on the "Menu" button in the top, right corner
  3. Click on the "Source" button under the "Download" tab to download the project files
  4. Navigate back to your home screen in Overleaf
  5. Click on the "New Project" button and select the "Upload Project" option
  6. Select the .zip file you downloaded in Step 3
  7. This should upload the same files used in the workshop, allowing you to follow along!