Most Recent Issues of Japanese Journals
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Sharon Domier

W.E.B. Du Bois Library
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Latest Issue Information
Browsing through recent journals in one's field of study has always been a very important scholarly endeavor. As libraries become more crowded, budgets get cut, and more people try to do their research online, browsing has become more challenging.
UMass has a small number of Japanese language journals that we subscribe to. The recent issues are shelved in boxes beside their bound volumes on the shelves. Please feel free to take the issues to wherever you are comfortable, to browse throug them. Photocopiers are available on many floors (although usually not the floor that our journals are located on) and require using a U-Card.
In an attempt to make virtual browsing easier, I have subscribed to RSS feeds for the journals we have, so that you can browse from the convenience of your computer and then come in to read and photocopy.
The library has always been generous about providing articles through interlibrary loan for articles you need in journals that we do not subscribe to. If you would like to "browse" the table of contents of Japanese journals in your field, you can set up an RSS feed yourself. See the National Diet Library's instructions here.
You can also "search" for articles using either Zasshi Kiji Sakuin index in the NDL OPAC or through CiNII (which may also net you some full-text pdf files) . The information provided in these databases (author, title, journal, volume and issue, years, page numbers) are what you will need to provide to Interlibrary Loan in order to request a copy of the article. Please romanize the information for Interlibrary Loan. Their system and staff do not read Japanese.
- Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024 2:05 PM
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