Service Learning 393: Advanced Community Service Learning - Student Bridges
A guide to library and online research
Workshop February 3, 2014 ~ Learning objectives and outline
Learning Objectives
During this session, you will:
- Explore and develop topics out of Student Bridges field work for use in participatory action research projects before you propose them to your community
- Learn to use citation management software (RefWorks) for saving references, and for organizing and sharing them
- Learn the meaning and importance of peer reviewed research
- Learn how to find and access peer-reviewed articles and scholarly books on topics related to Student Bridges work
Workshop Outline
- Exercise - What do you think is important to know about library and online research?
- Generate topics from field work - choose top 3 topics for group work.
- Peer Reviewed research
- Demonstrations:
- RefWorks citation management software
- Databases: ERIC, HAPI, PyschInfo, Sociological Abstracts
- WorldCat - use of Interlibrary Loan if not already covered
- Group work based on topics generated earlier. Find at a minimum:
- 2 peer reviewed journal articles
- 1 or 2 books or reports
- Reflect on what you learned - give feedback.
Choose a topic
Click HERE to choose your topic.
Student Bridges Research Topics Spring 2014
- grantwriting
- middle school exit exams before high school
- life skill workshops high school, e.g. fostering personal growth, time management, etc.
- health classes in the school
- LGBTQ issues in inner-city schools
- how to address school policy around health and LGBTQ issues
- sustainability of programs
- how to incorporate (more effectively) college mentors into a middle school classroom
- how to incorporate (more effectively) college mentors into after school programs
- physical fitness and health educationa and awareness
- obesity in inner-city school
- ESL programs for youth in languages other than just Spanish
- how to do an effective and engaging after school program
- homework accountability (folder idea)
- motivation in the after school program
- how to teach the teacher how to treat the student (fostering respectful relationships)
- bullying prevention and anti-bullying programs
- how to engage high achieving students
- teenage pregnancy
- high drop out rates
- violence in schools
Student Bridges Research Topics Spring 2013
- discipline schools 11 & 12 year olds - middle school
- rewards, incentives - middle school
- college prep for middle schoolers
- curriculum sports club after school, budget cuts to programs
- how to get high school students interested, motivated to join UpwardBound
- school funding
Participatory Action Library Research ~ an experiment from 2011
In the spirit of Participatory Action Research, please share your thoughts about what is important to know about library and online research. Use the comments link below.
This is an experiment - let's see how this goes.
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