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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anthropology of Food: Guide to Library Research

Books on Food

Use the Five Colleges or UMass Library Catalog to search for books. Below are some examples of "Subject begins with..." searches. Use these as examples for constructing your own searches by subject. 

Sample searches:

Subject begins with:

Cooking, followed by the ethnic group or nationality:
     Cooking Mexican

Diet, followed by the name of the country:
     Diet Great Britain

Food habits, followed by the name of the country:
     Food habits India
     Food habits United States

Food social aspects
Food supply

"Social life and customs" preceded by the name of the country or ethnic group:
     Nigeria social life and customs
     Polish americans social life and customs


Check this chart for the location of books at UMass Du Bois Library.

To have books delivered from from Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke or Smith Colleges, click the Request Item button in the book record and enter the library barcode number on your UCard.