Veterinary and Animal Sciences
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An Audio-visual Guide to Client Communication
The videos have been produced in partnership with the US-China Center for Animal Health at Kansas State University. Ryane Englar, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice) presents each episode. Dr. Englar is the author of Writing Skills for Veterinarians published by 5m Publishing, as well as the forthcoming books: A Guide to Oral Communication in Veterinary Medicine and The Veterinary Workbook of Small Animal Clinical Cases.
Reference Sources
Reference sources, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, and handbooks/manuals, are great resources to find background information about a particular topic.
Online Reference Sources
Encyclopedia of Animal Science by Wilson G. Pond (Editor); Duane E. Ullrey (Editor); Charlotte Kirk Baer (Editor)
ISBN: 0415802865Publication Date: 2011-02-01The link above will take you to a library record for the e-book available through the Greenleaf Library Online.Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia by Gale Research Staff; Michael Hutchins
ISBN: 9780787653620Publication Date: 2002-10-04Gale proudly presents the first completely revised and updated version of this acclaimed set in 30 years. The original 13-vol. set, published in Germany in the late 1960s, is internationally renowned for its scientific reporting, coverage and illustrations, and serves as a major point of reference for researchers and students studying the animal kingdom. Thorough articles familiarize readers with animals found everywhere on the globe, detailing their life cycles, predators, food systems, overall ecology and much more. Staying true to the original scientific pedigree, Gale enlisted prominent advisors and contributors from the international scientific community to incorporate recent developments in the animal world.Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior by Michael D. Breed (Editor-In-Chief); Janice Moore (Editor-In-Chief)
ISBN: 9780080453378Publication Date: 2009-04-01The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Three Volume Set has engaged with great success the efforts of many of the best behavioral biologists of the 21st century. Section editors drawn from the most accomplished behavioral scientists of their generation have enrolled an international cast of highly respected thinkers and writers all of whom have taken great care and joy in illuminating every imaginable corner of animal behavior.Dictionary of Toxicology by Ernest Hodgson; Michael Roe
ISBN: 9780124202412Publication Date: 2014-10-08Dictionary of Toxicology, Third Edition presents a compendium of definitions of all current toxicological terminology. This authoritative reference illustrates and describes words, concepts, acronyms and symbols for both the toxicological theory and applied risk assessment, as well as providing guidance on the correct selection of problematic, similar and frequently-misused terms.Oxford Dictionary of Nursing by Oxford University Press
Call Number: E-bookPublication Date: 20146th edition
- AGROVOC Thesaurus This link opens in a new windowAn open access list of controlled, multilingual terms for research in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, and the environment. Contains more than 16,600 descriptors and numerous (10,758 in English) non-descriptors (synonyms).Content is freely available for use by all.
- Pet M.D. Encyclopedia of TermsProvides descriptions of veterinary terms and topics.
- Cold Spring Harbor Protocols This link opens in a new windowResearch methods for microbiology, genetics, bioinformatics, proteins, plant biology, neuroscience, lab organisms, and imaging.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Plumb's Veterinary Drugs This link opens in a new windowFind the drug interactions, dosages, and adverse effects for veterinary drugs.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Encyclopedia of LifeCollaborative internet project to document all species of life on earth. A work in progress, it contains some information about many thousands of species, but is far from complete at this time.
- Medline/PubMed Veterinary Science Search and Veterinary Information ResourcesLinks to useful sites from the National Library of Medicine. The Vet Science Search helps you search PubMed specifically for veterinary research articles.
- Merck Veterinary ManualFree, online version of a reference that covers animal health care in a diversity of species. On the webpage, search is in the top bar at present (2017).
Reference Books (in paper - NOT online)
A tiny sample of the reference books in paper format - links are to the Library catalog records.
Black's Veterinary Dictionary by Edward Boden
ISBN: 0713663626Publication Date: 2005-01-01Black's Veterinary Dictionary has been a bestseller for over seventy years. It is an essential reference tool for all with a professional or leisure interest in the care of animals. Much more than a list of veterinary terms, its practical approach ensures that readers gain an insight into the signs and symptoms of common and less common, diseases, their diagnosis and treatment.Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary by Virginia P. Studdert (Editor); Clive C. Gay (Editor); Douglas C. Blood (Editor)
ISBN: 9780702027895Publication Date: 2006-10-20Written by veterinarians, this dictionary is a useful reference for veterinary students, practitioners and biologists, whether they use it to confirm definitions, research specific topics or merely to check spelling.A Dictionary of Zoology by Michael Allaby
ISBN: 9780199233403Publication Date: 2009-02-28Covering all aspects of the study of animals, it includes terms from the areas of ecology, animal behaviour, evolution, earth history, zoogeography, genetics, and physiology. It provides full taxonomic coverage of arthropods, other invertebrates, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals.Dictionary of Veterinary Nursing by Denis Richard Lane; Sue Guthrie
ISBN: 0750687959Publication Date: 2004-04-20Aimed specifically at the veterinary nursing profession, additional information includes frequently needed data such as normal physical parameters, infectious diseases, zoonoses, calculation conversions, and more - making this a comprehensive quick reference source for the busy practitioner. Provides detailed explanations for nearly 4000 definitions, ensuring that all aspects of the curriculum are covered Useful line diagrams aid learning and understanding Focuses on terms relevant to companion and pet animals - including exotics Appendices provide a quick reference source for frequently needed data.Veterinary Medical Terminology by Dawn E. Christenson
ISBN: 9780323612074Publication Date: 2019-11-19Reader-friendly and organized by body system, Veterinary Medical Terminology, 3rd Edition helps you quickly gain a solid understanding of veterinary terminology. Essential word parts and terms are presented in the context of basic anatomy, physiology, and disease conditions, giving you the tools to immediately apply new terminology to practical clinical situations.Encyclopedia of Life Sciences by Nature Publishing Company Staff (Contribution by)
ISBN: 1561592749Publication Date: 2001-11-01Encyclopedia of Life Sciences will provide a unique and dynamic resource in life science research -- both as an online web database and as a 20-volume printed reference set. Integrating current theory, practice, and understanding of all basic and many applied aspects of the life sciences, Encyclopedia of Life Sciences places particular emphasis on cell and molecular biology and its relevance to medicine.Illustrated Veterinary Anatomical Nomenclature Latin-English by Oskar Schaller
ISBN: 9783830410690Publication Date: 2007-06-01Depicts and defines more than 6500 structures named in the "Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria" (NAV), aiding the user in understanding anatomy and in clarifying its concepts. This book focuses on the gross anatomical structures of the cat, dog, pig, ox, sheep, goat, and horse.Manual of Equine Diagnostic Procedures by John Schumacher; H. David Moll
ISBN: 9781893441996Publication Date: 2006-06-15The book is a step-by-step manual describing the most commonly performed diagnostic procedures in horses making it an ideal quick reference resource for general and equine practitioners. The title is a concise compilation of technical information on collection and handling body tissues for the diagnosis of equine diseases. Invasive and non-invasive diagnostic procedures along with common joint injection and aspiration techniques are thoroughly explained. The manual describes and demonstrates the collection of fluid and tissue samples from all body systems and when applicable, and discusses multiple techniques for collecting the tissue samples.The Merck Veterinary Manual by E. Merck; Cynthia M. Kahn (Editor); Scott Line (Associate Editor)
ISBN: 9780911910933Publication Date: 2010-10-19The Merck Veterinary Manual is the most comprehensive, reliable reference for veterinary professionals. Trusted for more than 50 years, this reference now features hundreds of full-color images, including illustrations, photomicrographs, and radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic images.Veterinary Medicine by Peter D. Constable (Editor); Clive C. Gay (Editor); Kenneth W. Hinchcliff (Editor); Otto M. Radostits (Editor)
ISBN: 9780702027772Publication Date: 2007-01-31The new 10th edition of this well-respected reference includes thoroughly revised and reviewed information with content on new diseases for the most up-to-date information on diseases effecting sheep, pigs, goats, horses, and cattle. Divided into two sections, General Medicine and Special Medicine, the book covers topics ranging from the clinical examination and manifestation of disease in organ systems to specific diseases of the large animal species. Includes important information essential to any large-animal veterinarian, especially those working with horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, or goats. User-friendly format allows the reader to quickly absorb key information. Quick review/synopsis sections for complex diseases make important information easy to find. Features content on major diseases of all countries, including foreign animal and emerging diseases.
CRS Reports
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is the non-partisan public policy research arm of the United States Congress.
CRS experts prepare reports to assist members of Congress throughout the legislative process providing background information and data on public policy issues.
- CRS Reports This link opens in a new windowReports by the public policy research arm of the U. S. Congress on current issues and their legal and legislative status, 1970-present. Library doesn't subscribe to tabbed extras like Bills, Memebers & Votes, etc.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
How to cite a CRS report APA 7th edition:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of report in sentence case and italics (CRS Report No. xxxxxxx). Retrieved from Congressional Research Service website: URL
Erwin, M. C. (2011). Intelligence issues for Congress (CRS Report No. RL33539). Retrieved from Congressional Research Service website:
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