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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Judaic Studies

A guide to researching Judiaism and Jewish culture

Finding Five College Libraries Films

Discovery Search lets you to find films on DVD or Blue-ray plus streaming films.

By default, results will include many formats including books and articles. To limit your results to films, find the 'Format' header on the results page and click 'Show More'. This will allow you to select 'Videos'.

Accessing DVD/Blu-ray Films

Once you find a film in Discovery Search, look for the location near the bottom of the record.

  • If the location is "UMass Amherst Du Bois Media DVD", the film is located on the 9th floor of the Du Bois Library.
    • You can also use the "Place Request" button on the left side of the page to have it sent to the hold shelf on the lower level of the Du Bois Library.
  • If the location is NOT "UMass Amherst Du Bois Media DVD", click 'Place Request' to have the film sent to the Du Bois Library for pick-up.

Accessing Streaming Films

These films will not have a location on the record. Instead, look for a "Connect to Resource Link" on the left side of the page to stream the film.

⚠️ Note that some films are not Region 1, NTSC productions and may need multiregional DVD players or computers with special software for viewing. The DVD players on the 9th floor of the Du Bois Library can handle these films.

More Streaming Films

Catalogs & Filmographies

These sources contain lists of films in particular categories and can be useful for discovering unfamiliar films.

Sample Searches