Business : Home
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Contact Business Librarian Alison Messier for help with homework assignments, thesis preparation, research, special projects or any questions about using the UMass Amherst Libraries. In-person or virtual appointments can be scheduled for research consultations, reference questions, assignment assistance, or for general information. Follow the "Make An Appointment" link on the left-hand side to request an appointment with Alison. For instant service, please visit our Get Help page, or use the links to the left below.
Spring 2025 "Meet with the Business Librarian" Hours!
- Wednesdays (starting 2/5), 2:30 - 5 p.m., ISOM Rm. N342
- Thursdays (starting 2/6), 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., ISOM Berthiaume Business Innovation Hub
Is another time more convenient? Feel free to email Alison at to request a time that works best for your schedule.
Business Resources
- Academic Articles
- Journals
- News and Trade Journals
- Case Studies
- Books (print & eBooks)
- Career Exploration
- Business Databases A-Z
- Citing Business Resources
Scholarly Articles
- ABI/INFORM Complete This link opens in a new windowContent type: Business journal articles. Description: ABI/INFORM is the library's largest online full-text business journal collection. 3,000 business periodicals - peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, business magazines, 1960 - present, including the Wall Street Journal, 1984 - present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowContent Type: Business journal articles, company reports. Description: Peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, and business magazines. Company SWOT reports. Includes the Harvard Business Review, Volume 1 (1922) to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- ProQuest Social Science Database This link opens in a new windowCitations and some full text for a diverse collection of journals, some 1920's-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowFull-text scholarly journals and books in the sciences and the social sciences provided by Elsevier. Dates of coverage vary.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowIndex to articles from peer-reviewed journals in all disciplines.Search by cited reference, topic, author, and more. Arts and Humanities covers 1975-present; Social Sciences 1900-present; and Science 1900-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
Working Papers
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - Working Papers
- Business Source Complete **Use Advanced Search and specify Working Paper under Document Type**
- Library of Congress Business Reference Services list of Working Papers and Technical Reports in Business, Economics, and Law
- NBER Working Papers
- The World Bank - Working Papers
**A note on Harvard Business Review: The UMass Amherst Libraries subscribe to this journal via the Business Source Complete database. It can be searched for using the Publication search box and by typing "harvard business review" (with quotation marks) and clicking the Search button.**
Selected journals from Financial Times Research Ranking (2016)
ACCOUNTING Contemporary Accounting Research Journal of Accounting and Economics |
FINANCE The Review of Financial Studies
CONSUMERS & PSYCHOLOGY Journal of Consumer Psychology
ECONOMICS & PUBLIC POLICY Journal of Financial Economics The Quarterly Journal of Economics The Review of Economic Studies
OPERATIONS & IT Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) |
Databases of News and Trade Articles
- ABI/INFORM Complete This link opens in a new windowContent type: Business journal articles. Description: ABI/INFORM is the library's largest online full-text business journal collection. 3,000 business periodicals - peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, business magazines, 1960 - present, including the Wall Street Journal, 1984 - present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Access World News - Historical and Current This link opens in a new window
Includes current and archived news content (with backfiles beginning in the 1980s) from more than 7,050 sources spanning 200+ countries and territories across the globe.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowContent Type: Business journal articles, company reports. Description: Peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, and business magazines. Company SWOT reports. Includes the Harvard Business Review, Volume 1 (1922) to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Regional Business News This link opens in a new windowFull-text business news from 110 US and Canadian regional business publications. Coverage of all metro and regional markets - from 1990 to present. Use this resource to locate hard-to-find local and regional business news.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- New York Times Online This link opens in a new window Academic Pass users have access to the New York Times from 1851 to present, plus all multimedia, and to the NYT smartphone app.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
Creating an AccountFor instructions on how to create a account valid for four years with your UMass email, please visit this guide for step by step instructions.
Case Studies
Harvard requires each person to buy a license for any Case, Module, or Curriculum Article that they want to read. The UMass Amherst Libraries are unable to purchase and share these materials. We advise you to use course packets (if available), work with your instructor to gain access, or buy your own copy of these materials.
O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform
Features case studies about many well-known companies, including Slack, Pinterest, Google, Uber, Amazon, and more. Topics include business, data, software development, and user research. To browse cases, use the search box on the O'Reilly homepage and type case study and your topic. For example, case study and management.
Case studies are searchable by keyword. They are typically about 10 pages in length and address industry trends or company strategies.
This database contains articles from many publications broadly covering the subject of business. The following journals are dedicated to case studies, and you can search for them by typing the title into the search box, surrounded by quotation marks (e.g. "Asian Case Research Journal"):
- Asian Case Research Journal
- Business Case Journal
- Journal of Case Research
You can also search for case studies using the Advanced Search feature in this database. Just add the term "case study" to your keyword search string, e.g. "artificial intelligence" AND "case study".
Asian Journal of Management Cases
A peer-reviewed journal of teaching and research cases focusing on real-life management issues in Asia, including the South, Central and Southwest Asia, plus the Middle East.
South Asian Journal of Business & Management Cases
A peer-reviewed journal of research cases that "aims to provide a space for high-quality original case study research that studies a phenomenon within the boundaries of an organizational context," (quote from journal's website). Phenomena of study include sustainability, entrepreneurship, team building, business growth, customer experience, and more.
Books on business topics are primarily found in the H range of the Library of Congress Classification system, which is the Social Sciences section. This brief explanation of LC call numbers will help you find books and other materials in the Libraries.
Sub-sections of particular interest may be:
HD: Industries, Land Use, Labor, Management.
HF: Commerce, Business, Accounting.
HG: Finance, Banking, Investment.
HJ: Public finance, Revenue, Taxation.
Books in this range can be found on the 17th and 18th floors of the Du Bois Library. Refer to this floor directory for more information about locations of materials and services in the Library.
Getting Started
Discovery Search, the default search box on the UMass Amherst Libraries website, is the best place to search for books. It searches many resources at once, including from all of the libraries of the Five Colleges. Below are a couple of tutorials on how to use this valuable tool.
The Libraries also have access to several e-book collections. Here are a few with business-related content:
How do I find career opportunities and information about jobs?
UMass Amherst students: Check with your school's career development office, visit Career Services, and join Handshake.
- UMass Amherst Libraries subscribe to two databases that point to companies' career opportunities: Firsthand (Vault & Career Insider) and American and Foreign Companies with Global Operations (UniWorld).
- Explore online recruitment websites such as LinkedIn, Indeed, CareerBuilder, etc.
- Search for professional associations for your target industry, because they might have a job board (e.g. the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants Jobs page). Consider joining the association for your target industry before you graduate to take advantage of potential student discounts.
- Investigate a company directly. More information on identifying companies is detailed below.
Career Information Resources
- American and Foreign Companies with Global Operations This link opens in a new windowSearchable directory of US and foreign companies with substantial overseas operations. Search by geographic location, industry, sales, employees, and keyword. UMass students - you can use this database to locate potential overseas US employers.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new windowContent Type: Business journal articles, company reports. Description: Peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, and business magazines. Company SWOT reports. Includes the Harvard Business Review, Volume 1 (1922) to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Firsthand This link opens in a new windowChoose "Log In with your Network ID" to use your NetID for access.
Content type: Career planning resources. Description: Career guides, profession profiles, industry trends, employer reviews, job banks, resume/interview tools.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
BLS: Occupational Outlook Handbook
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the principal federal agency responsible for measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy. The BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook has career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
O*NET OnLine is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, and developed by the National Center for O*NET Development. This comprehensive web application provides detailed descriptions of occupations and the world of work for "use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!"
Website from the United States Department of Labor. Learn about careers, find career information, and locate career resources and advice.
Make a List of Companies
It is helpful when making a list of companies in an industry to know the related industry code. Often these are NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes. Codes act as a standard controlled language for industries. NAICS codes are newer and more specific than SIC codes. Find and learn about NAICS codes.
Useful Libraries databases for company information:
A global directory in which every featured company within the database has at least one foreign subsidiary. Users can find both US firms operating in foreign countries, and foreign firms operating in the US. Searchable criteria include industry, employee count, and revenue. UniWorld uses NAICS codes.
Provides current analysis of over 200 U.S. industries. Features analyst insights, industry information, products and markets, competitive landscape, operating conditions, key statistics, and more.
Company profiles with SWOT analysis. Includes information for both US and foreign industries and companies. Users can browse by industry sector, company, geography, case studies, news reports, and more.
Includes public and private company information for over 200 million U.S. and international companies. Data and details are provided from Hoover's, First Research, and Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Mergent uses NAICS codes.
Users can research an industry, including information such as business intelligence, key industry associations, opportunities, and more. Users can also research a company, including finding companies and executives, contact lists, and investment research. There is also a job seekers toolkit and resources section of this database, with helpful links to job search sites, seven keys to research, and information on how to apply for a job online. Plunkett uses NAICS codes.
A helpful database for creating a list of targeted companies for a job search, Data Axle currently contains over 30 million business listings. Can be searched by industry, company name, or using NAICS codes.
A guide to national, regional, state, and local organizations in the U.S., and international organizations. Coverage includes categories such as trade, business, and commercial; legal, governmental, and public administration; athletic and sport; cultural, and more.
GuideStar is a database that specializes in nonprofit company intelligence. It features current financial data, IRS forms, and visualizations of financial trends for nonprofits. It also includes directories to search for nonprofit organizations and people who hold leadership positions.
Popular Lists of Companies
Fortune 500 list. Contained within the Business Source Complete database, Fortune magazine publishes yearly issues detailing the largest U.S. corporations, officially known as the Fortune500. This custom URL directs you to the issues with "Largest U.S. Corporations" in the title, which is what the magazine calls its list.
Many different entities create company lists. The INSEAD Libraries has compiled a website of additional lists sorted by region and by sector.
Business Databases A - Z
- ABI/INFORM Complete This link opens in a new window Content type: Business journal articles. Description: ABI/INFORM is the library's largest online full-text business journal collection. 3,000 business periodicals - peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, business magazines, 1960 - present, including the Wall Street Journal, 1984 - present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Accounting & Tax Database This link opens in a new window Content Type: Accounting journal articles. Description: For accounting academics and professionals - top accounting journals, including all journals from the American Accounting Association. Trade publications from CCH, Aspen, Thompson, Source Media and Euromoney.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- American and Foreign Companies with Global Operations This link opens in a new window Searchable directory of US and foreign companies with substantial overseas operations. Search by geographic location, industry, sales, employees, and keyword. UMass students - you can use this database to locate potential overseas US employers.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- American Factfinder This link opens in a new window American FactFinder has been discontinued. This link will go to, where the same information is available.Content is freely available for use by all.
- Asian Business Database This link opens in a new window The Asian business collection focuses on companies, economies, markets and overall business conditions in the Eastern Hemisphere.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Banking Information Database This link opens in a new window Content Type: Business journal articles. Description: Financial services research tool - academic and trade journals, industry newsletters. Articles from 530 full-text sources.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- BCC Research This link opens in a new window Content type: Market research reports. Description: BCC reports analyze the industrial, pharmaceutical, and high technology marketplace. Industry focus: life sciences, advanced materials, manufacturing, chemical, engineering.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Bloomberg Businessweek Archive This link opens in a new window Indexing, abstracting, and full text for the complete archive of Businessweek, beginning with its first issue in 1929 and ending in December 2000.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- BuildingGreen Suite This link opens in a new window Directory of green builders. Articles, case studies and product listings for sustainable building, green design, and land use. 1992-current. Also: peer-to-peer discussions, blogs, RSS feeds and the online version of Environmental Building News newsletter.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Book Summaries This link opens in a new window Overview of key concepts, table of contents and related readings for business books.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Plans Handbook This link opens in a new window Content Type: Small business plans. Description: 300 sample plans demonstrate how to approach, structure and compose effective business plans. Each plan includes a business objective, market profile, personnel plans, and finances.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window Content Type: Business journal articles, company reports. Description: Peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, and business magazines. Company SWOT reports. Includes the Harvard Business Review, Volume 1 (1922) to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities This link opens in a new window Author instructions for journal article submissions - publishing policies and guidelines - scholarly journals in accounting, education, economics, business, psychology, and psychiatry.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Firsthand This link opens in a new window First Time Users: You must create an account with UMass Amherst email address using the Sign Up link on the login page.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- CB Insights This link opens in a new window
First Time Users: You must create an account with UMass Amherst email address using the Sign Up link on the login page.
CB Insights provide a real-time listing of US venture capital/private equity deals. Search by keyword for deals, companies, or investors. Filter results by industry, investor type, investment stage, deal size, funding amount, geographic location.If you are having problems accessing CB Insights, please try clearing your browser's cache and cookies.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- RIA Checkpoint - Limited Users This link opens in a new window Limited to 35 simultaneous users. If you are accessing this resource as part of a course, and have registered with Checkpoint, go to and enter your username and password. If you have not registered, go to the RIA Checkpoint - Expanded User Registration Link and follow the instructions: on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password. Limited to 35 simultaneous users.
- Chronicle of Higher Education This link opens in a new window Higher education news, information, and jobs postings for college and university faculty and administrators. Browse issues 2015 to current. Issues prior to 2015 dating back to 1989 can be found via the UMass Libraries eJournal A-Z list.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Consumer Reports This link opens in a new window Consumer Reports provides ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Data Axle Reference Solutions This link opens in a new window Data Axle Reference Solutions is a searchable directory of all known US businesses (24 million business records) - searchable by company name, type of business (SIC, NAICS or keyword), size of business (annual sales or employee count). Search results include "corporate linkage" - link up to the parent company or link down to subsidiaries.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Directory of Venture Capital & Private Equity Firms This link opens in a new window Content type: Company directory. Description: Current, comprehensive listing of US/Canadian venture capital and private equity firms - 3,000 firms, 1,000 branches, 12,000 partners, plus 15,000 portfolio companies. Sample pages. Directory organization: Four major sections: domestic firms, Canadian firms, domestic associations, and international firms. Indexes: Firm name, average investment, fund size, geographic index, industry preference index, portfolio companies index, executive index, college/university index. Firm profiles includes: redbullet contact information redbullet mission statement redbullet industry group preference redbullet portfolio companies redbullet geographic preference redbullet average and minimum investment redbullet investment criteria redbullet partner biographies redbulletAvailable on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Insider Intelligence This link opens in a new window Market analysis and data with a focus on the Internet, digital marketing/advertising, mobile communication, e-commerce, social media, and emerging technologies. Insider Intelligence is useful for understanding trends, user demographics, consumer behavior, and the growth and impact of digital technologies.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Encyclopedia of Associations This link opens in a new window Directory of organizations, associations and non-profit membership groups in three parts: National, International, Regional/local. Provides contact information and descriptions; searchable by subject.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Encyclopedia of Sports in America This link opens in a new window Explores the development and influence of sports in American culture, as well as how sports icons, commercial enterprises, organizations, sporting events, and even fan culture have changed from decade to decade and from era to era, from the foot races of colonial times to the extreme sports of today.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Entrepreneurship Database This link opens in a new window Scholarly resources and practitioner tools for enterprise and innovation research - annual reports, journals & magazines, blogs, business cases, business plans, forms & templates, dissertations, e-books, how-to guides, streaming video clips.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Environmental Resource Handbook This link opens in a new window Directory of environmental resource organizations, events and statistics. Section I - Organizations: Associations, conferences and trade shows, foundations and charities, government agencies, national parks and wildlife refuges, publications, research centers and educational programs. Section II - Statistics: Children’s Environmental Index, municipal finances, toxic chemicals, recycling, climate, air quality, water quality.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- ESG Manager on Campus This link opens in a new window SG Manager provides (E) environmental, (S) social, and (G) governance reports for 6,000 global companies, including 3,000 US public companies. Search by ticker, industry, country, IVA rating (AAA to CCC) and controversial business screening. Click a company name to view output options. Three report-types are available for each company: 1. Intangible Value Assessment Report - measures a company's environmental, social and governance performance. 2. Impact Monitor Report - assessment of major controversies related to a company's operation and/or products, e.g., worker accidents. 3. ESG Industry Report - ESG industry-level trends. Compares IVA ratings for major companies within an industry.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Europa World This link opens in a new window Encyclopedia and directory of the world's countries. Substantive coverage of government, demographics, history, and much more. Current.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies: FAITS This link opens in a new window Brief IT market analysis reports - IT infrastructure, telecommunications, technology vendors, wireless communication, data networking, healthcare IT, Linux/Open source, security, enterprise systems, streaming media.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- FitchConnect This link opens in a new window A comprehensive credit analytics and macro intelligence platform that provides country risk ratings, macroeconomic analyses and forecasts, industry overviews and market reports. Coverage of over 200 global markets and major industry sectors, with an emphasis on economic and political risk analysis and forecasts, as well as historical data, daily analysts' views, and news reports and developments across global economies.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Foundation Directory Online This link opens in a new window Comprehensive search for private foundation and corporation grants, grantmakers, and grant recipients.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Gale In Context: Environmental Studies This link opens in a new window Search by topic and/or geography: agriculture, food, energy, pollution, economic development, social factors and in journals, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias as well as primary sources.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Gale One File: Business This link opens in a new window Articles from 1000 business and industry journals - includes broker research reports, trade publications, newspapers, journals and company directory listings.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Global New Products Database This link opens in a new window Tracks new product launches in 86 markets globally and updated daily with over 2,000 products across 270 subcategories monitoring over 140 product claims. Identify and compare industry, category, flavor, ingredient, nutrition, and packaging trends across all CPG categories.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- GuideStar Pro This link opens in a new window Search, find and analyze nonprofit data and financials.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Historical Newspaper: New York Times This link opens in a new window Full-text of The New York Times, with coverage from 1851 to three years ago.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Historical Statistics of the United States This link opens in a new window Statistics gathered by the Census Bureau, with scholarly editing and essays, from colonial times to near present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Hospitality & Tourism Complete This link opens in a new window 500 hospitality/tourism journals, magazines and trade publications. This database supports teaching and research at the UMass Hospitality & Tourism Department.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- IBISWorld This link opens in a new window US Industry reports - current analysis of every US industry. Report chapters: Industry at a Glance, Performance, Outlook, Products & Markets, Competitive Landscape, Major Companies, Operating Conditions, Key Statistics.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Industry Norms and Key Business Ratios This link opens in a new window Industry benchmarks compiled from D&B’s database of public and private companies, featuring 14 key business ratios - solvency, efficiency, and profitability ratios - across seven asset ranges. 800 lines of business compared.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- InnovationQ This link opens in a new windowOn-campus resource only; limited to one user
InnovationQ is a tool to find patents, explore the patent landscape, and provide options for visual representation of patent data.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password. - International Directory of Company Histories This link opens in a new window Six-page essays on the history of America's leading companies. 11,000 companies covered. Each essay includes statistics, dates, founders, company development, financial history, mergers/acquisitions, marketing campaign effectiveness, labor/management actions and competitors.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- iPOLL This link opens in a new window Over 650,000 public opinion survey questions and answers - from the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. Survey from 1935 to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Journal Citation Reports This link opens in a new window A tool that measures the comparative impact of scholarly journals, 2003-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- GlobalData Explorer This link opens in a new window Provides data on U.S. and foreign companies and 20+ industry sectors, SWOT analyses, global trends, product launches, social media analytics, case studies, market research and insights reports. To access, open the link, then click on the button "IP Access" on the GlobalData login page.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Academic This link opens in a new window Market reports - focus on business/financial services, consumer goods, travel, food/beverage, agriculture, energy and resources, construction, biotechnology, diagnostics, healthcare, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, e-commerce, IT outsourcing, networking, and telecommunications.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Marketscope Advisor This link opens in a new window Access CFRA’s investment analysis, market commentary, news, and dataAvailable on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Massachusetts NewsBank This link opens in a new window Massachusetts Daily Newspapers: Amherst Bulletin, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Springfield Republican, Greenfield Recorder, Valley Advocate, and five more Massachusetts city newspapers. 1990's to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mergent Archives This link opens in a new window Historic company reports - Archive collection of the Moody's Manuals - annual public company report collection, 1909 to 2000.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mergent Intellect This link opens in a new window This database features a deep collection of comprehensive worldwide business information, including information from Hoover's, First Research and the D&B Million Dollar Database. Includes detailed information on over 245 million businesses with contact information for executives, demographics and behavior types for US households, Nielsen Pop Fact reports, and global corporate family trees.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mergent InvestorEdge This link opens in a new window Investment analysis and advisory service. 4,000 equity research reports with buy, hold and sell recommendations. Five-year financial highlights and daily equity pricing. Annual reports and SEC filings for 10 years. Multiple financial screening criteria.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mergent Online This link opens in a new window Reports and financial data - all public companies worldwide. 15 years of balance sheet, income and ratio data. Annual reports, SEC Filings. Also includes D&B 20 Million Plus Database - reports and financial data for private companies worldwide.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mintel Academic This link opens in a new window 1,000+ current consumer market reports - analyze consumer market drivers, market size, segmentation, consumer characteristics, supply structure, advertising, promotion, retail distribution. SECTORS: Automotive, beauty, fashion, financial services, food & drink, food service, health & wellness, household, leisure, entertainment, travel, tourism.Mintel no longer allows full PDF downloads of reports. Customized PPT downloads are still available and all of the same data and insights. Proxy users will need to create a profile to download.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mintel Market Sizes This link opens in a new window Market share data for 30 countries - market size, market share and forecast data for thousands of consumer goods categories worldwide - alcoholic drinks, beauty, personal goods, toiletries, food & beverage, food service, household, clothing, pharmaceuticals, automotive, footwear, consumer electronics, travel, media, personal finance, retail, telecommunications.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Mintel Trends This link opens in a new window Global consumer/culture trends tool - provides strategic, evidence-backed insights on today’s consumer. Analyze changes in culture, society, brands and markets. UMass students use Mintel Trends to understand consumer behaviors and why they change, generate original product proposals, and create better product promotions.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Morningstar Investing Center This link opens in a new window Stock and mutual fund reports. Investment analyst opinions/ratings - 1,700 US stocks (all NYSE, NASDAQ, ASE), 2,200 mutual funds, and 400 exchange traded funds. Includes stock/fund screener, Portfolio X-ray, Morningstar newsletters, video features and educational tools.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- NBER Working Papers This link opens in a new window NBER researchers working papers analyze the US economy. They are aimed at other professional economists in academic institutions, business, government. Nearly 700 NBER Working Papers are published annually. Founded in 1920, the National Bureau of Economic Research is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- New York Times Online This link opens in a new window Academic Pass users have access to the New York Times from 1851 to present, plus all multimedia, and to the NYT smartphone app.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
Creating an AccountFor instructions on how to create a account valid for four years with your UMass email, please visit this guide for step by step instructions.
- Nexis Uni This link opens in a new window News, business and legal sources
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- OECD iLibrary This link opens in a new window Publications of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Books, reports and data for every OECD country. Coverage from 1998 to present, with data sets back to the 1960s.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Oxford Bibliographies: Management This link opens in a new window Expert discussion of topics and sub-topics in management, with extensive annotated lists of best books and articles.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Oxford Handbooks: Business & Management This link opens in a new window Each Oxford Handbook offers a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in a particular field of study. Individual articles, signed by top scholars in their field, review key issues and major debates, and provide an original argument for how future research might evolve.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- O’Reilly Safari Learning Platform This link opens in a new windowMust login in with UMass NetID and Password
20,000 business, technology and digital media e-books from the best business/technology publishers - O'Reilly, Sams, John Wiley, Sybex, Que, Career Press, Jossey-Bass, McGraw-Hill, AMACON, Oracle Press, Microsoft and many more.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password. - Plunkett Research Online This link opens in a new window Market and industry trend analysis for 35 US industry sectors. Includes statistical tables, business intelligence, key industry associations, corporate executive contacts, industry glossary.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- PolicyFile This link opens in a new window Full text policy papers from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- ProQuest Historical Annual Reports This link opens in a new window US corporate history through annual reports - 800 leading US companies, 150 years of historical coverage - 42,000 reports, earliest from 1844.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. This link opens in a new window Statistics from U.S. agencies on population, society, trade, the government, and much more, 2013-present. This for-profit version continues Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1878-2012.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- RedBooks: Advertisers and Agencies Online (Winmo) This link opens in a new window Content type: Company directory. Description: Directory of 9,000 advertising agencies worldwide and 15,000 global advertisers. Identify key decision-makers and brand clients. Visualize a company's media spending by media category.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Regional Business News This link opens in a new window Full-text business news from 110 US and Canadian regional business publications. Coverage of all metro and regional markets - from 1990 to present. Use this resource to locate hard-to-find local and regional business news.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- RKMA e-books This link opens in a new window Ten market research yearbooks from publisher Richard K. Miller Associates. Analyze B-to-B and B-to-C markets - entertainment, media, advertising, healthcare, food & beverage, restaurants, sports, travel & tourism. Convenient full-book output in PDF format.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Roper Dataset This link opens in a new window Search over 20,000 datasets from public opinion surveys dating back to the 1930s. Approximately 60% of these were conducted in the United States; 8,000 datasets are from over 100 countries.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Sage Journals This link opens in a new window More than 645 journals in business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine, 1999-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Social Explorer This link opens in a new window Maps illustrating Census data from 1790 to 2010, with recent community, religion, and carbon emissions data.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Social Sciences Citation Index This link opens in a new window Provides indexing and citation tracking for journals in all the social sciences, 1900-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text This link opens in a new window Full-text sports and sport medicine journals. Subject coverage: coaching, consumer health, exercise science, health education, kinesiology, nutrition, occupational health/safety, physical education, physical therapy, sport sciences. Includes the NCAA News, 2005 to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Sports Market Analytics This link opens in a new window Annual time-series data - sports participation, sports attendance, sporting goods sales. Sports trade journal articles. Directories - associations/governing bodies, high school, college and pro sports, sporting goods vendors, sport management education.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Sports Market Place Directory This link opens in a new window Access to the who, what and where of the sports industry. Use this resource to identify current information about people, organizations and events.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Statistics Sources This link opens in a new window Index to sources of statistical information.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Value Line Investment Survey This link opens in a new window Online access to Value Line's flagship Investment Survey - 3,500 companies analyzed - reports, analyst commentary, and Timeliness/Safety ranking.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Wall Street Journal This link opens in a new window Full-text and full-image of every Wall Street Journal article from 1984 to today.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new window Index to articles from peer-reviewed journals in all disciplines.Search by cited reference, topic, author, and more. Arts and Humanities covers 1975-present; Social Sciences 1900-present; and Science 1900-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- WISERTrade This link opens in a new window Monthly trade statistics for 35 countries - the US, Canada, the 28 EU Countries, China, Japan, Taiwan, Chile and Colombia. Annual data is available for 130 additional countries.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- World Advertising Research Center (WARC) This link opens in a new window The World Advertising Research Center (WARC) provides articles on advertising, marketing, brands and campaigns. It includes case studies, marketing intelligence, best practice guides, consumer insight, industry trends, news, data and forecasts, trends in TV viewing, newspapers and other media, economic and demographic data, profiles of major brand owners and more.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- World Development Indicators Online This link opens in a new window World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources - presents the most current and accurate global development data available, including national, regional and global estimates. Coverage from 1960 to present.Content is freely available for use by all.
Citations for Business Sources
- Business, as well as behavioral and social sciences disciplines, often uses APA (American Psychological Association) Style for citations.
- The tutorial below provides you with an introduction to the APA 7th edition citation style format and examples of popular source types such as books, journals, and websites.
Tutorial: APA Style Citations: 7th Edition
- More information about APA Style is available from the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL).
- There is citation management software available to help you keep track of your citations. More information about citation managers here!
Examples of citations for particular resources
BCC Research
BCC Research Staff. (2019, March). Wearable medical devices: Technologies and global markets.
Census Data
Find the permalink to cite the Census table directly whenever possible, rather than the various visualization tools such as Census Business Builder, which do not usually have permalinks.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2017). Construction: Summary statistics for the U.S., states, and selected geographies (Table EC1723BASIC) [Data set].
U.S. Department of Commerce.
eMarketer Pro
Briggs, P., Dolliver, M., Kim, A., Koch, L., & Wurmser, Y. (2020, February). Canada digital habits by generation: Identifying key distinctions across
age groups, from teens to baby boomers. eMarketer.
If the report has a unique identifier number, use it in parentheses after the title. In this case, include a more specific description in the brackets than just [Industry report] as is often used elsewhere, because IBIS has risk and other reports, as well as other levels of industry reports, and sometimes the titles and numbers are the same.
Diment, D. (2019, December). Corporate wellness services (OD4621) [U.S. specialized industry report]. IBISWorld.
MarketLine Advantage
Marketline. (2019). Renewable energy in Mexico [Industry profile].
/ViewasPDF/mexico-renewable-energy-93430 Academic
Kalorama. (2019, September). Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare [Market report]. Academic: https://www-
Mintel Academic
Failla, J. (2020, April). Quick service restaurants - US. Mintel.
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