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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


Find a Topic

Not sure where to start? Try these tips:

  • Start where you are. Think about topics that might be of interest to you. What do you already know? What would you like to know? What class papers or discussion caught your attention? Skim over your reading list or textbook for more ideas.
  • Search for relevant current events. ScienceDaily's Space and Time section, CAP Journal, and popular science magazines often cover recent events in the field. Do some searching and you're bound to find ideas!
  • Look for articles in your area of interest. See the short list below for some suggestions. Try focusing on review articles, which tend to provide a more general introduction to a field.
  • Find comprehensive overview articles (reviews) on current astronomy topics in these journals:

Gather Background Information

Gather background information on your topic to help you:

  • Focus your topic
  • Hone your search
  • Define specific terms and phrases
  • Identify the big players or experts in the field

Encyclopedias, Biographies, or Handbooks are all excellent places to find more background information.

Use the resources below to start your search!