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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


Reaching your target audience

To create a compelling story, you might want to investigate these three types of sources:

  1. Popular Magazines to get a view into what the public is reading; use the database Academic Search Premier
  2. Newspaper articles - Start with the NY Times - see this guide then other options
  3. Peer-reviewed scholarly research articles
  4. Government information for statistics and legislation; CRS reports are particularly helpful.

Database Search Tools

Target your database search by combining these tools with your strategic keywords.
Using quotes "_____"  keeps words together as a phrase.  Example: "Climate Change"
Using parentheses (_____)  collects like terms.  Example: (Sea or Ocean or Coast)
Using an asterisk * at end of a word returns all the various word endings.  Example: Flood* for Flood, Flooded, Flooding

Find Articles

Research article databases:

Find Books

Books in the libraries at UMass (and at many academic libraries in the United States and in several other countries) are organized by the standards set up by the Library of Congress. This system helps libraries classify and organize the books on their shelves. It's not always intuitive, but there are guides to help you learn how to decipher the system.

Most of the materials in Astronomy are in the QB call number area. See below for specific topics. And of course, try searching the catalog!

QB 1-991 Astronomy

QB 1-139 General
QB 140-237 Practical & Spherical Astronomy
QB 275-343 Geodesy
QB 349-421 Theoretical Astronomy & Celestial Mechanics
QB 455-456 Astrogeology
QB 460-466 Astrophysics
QB 468-480 Non-optical Methods of Astronomy
QB 495-903 Descriptive Astronomy
QB 980-991 Cosmogony, Cosmology

Find Technical Reports

Find Patents

Find Patents information on this Library Guide for Patent Research.