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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Open Scholarship & Scholarly Publishing

Covering various elements of producing and sharing scholarship.

Funding Open Scholarship and Scholarly Publishing

Open scholarship shifts the costs of producing scholarly outputs (articles, books, data sets, code, protocols, etc.) and supporting infrastructure (hardware, indexing, metadata, operating systems, software, unique identifiers, etc.) from the reader/user to the author/researcher, charitable organization, academic institution, government or some combination of these. Historically, a user would access traditional scholarly outputs (articles, books, journals) by paying for a membership, subscription or purchase, or they would gain access as an authorized user of an academic institution, public library or organization that pays for access on their behalf. At the foundation of the open access movement is the evolution of digital scholarship which has created opportunities for sharing a more complete representation of research outputs without financial barriers for accessing them. The "user pays" model now has alternatives that do not put the burden of payment for access on the reader/user.

The means of paying for open scholarship are constantly evolving. These are some funding models in current use:

Funding type Description Examples
Author/article processing charges (APCs) publisher sets a fee for open access publication of articles and books/chapters. These fees can range for a few hundred to thousands of dollars which enable immediate (Gold/hybrid) access to the published work. The author of the work is responsible for payment, but may receive financial and administrative support from their funder, institution and/or library. Elsevier, Springer/Nature, MDPI, PLOS, SAGE Publishing, Routledge
Community action/investment publisher/provider proposes to publish open access journals or books if they achieve a certain level of investment from libraries, consortia and other community partners. In these agreements, the author bears no financial responsibility. Knowledge Unlatched, Public Domain Song Anthology, MIT Press Direct to Open, Lyrasis Open Access Community Investment Program, PLOS Community Action Publishing, Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3), University of Michigan Press Fund to Mission
Memberships publisher, provider and advocacy organizations run their operations, all or in part, with fees they collect from other member organizations.  In some cases, membership grants authors affiliated with the organization a reduction in open access APCs.  Open Library of the Humanities, arXivBioOne, SPIE Journals Open Access, The Royal Society, Frontiers
Subscribe to Open (S2O) publisher will "flip" a set number of journal issues or books that have been toll or subscription funded to open access based on achieving a threshold of payments from libraries. In these agreements, the author bears no financial responsibility. More information is available from the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice. Annual Reviews, Berghahn, Central European University Press (CEUP)
Transformative agreements publisher charges the library/institution for both read/use access and open access publication of research for members of that organization. There are many different types of TAs. Authors may or may not be responsible for partial payment, depending on the availability of other sources of publication funding, but the transaction costs are generally handled by the publisher and library/institution. Some have expressed concerns that TAs entrench existing, inequitable publishing systems. see ESAC Transformative Agreement Registry. See also ACM Open.

UMass Amherst Open Access Agreements and Advocacy

The UMass Amherst Libraries have been providing financial support for open scholarship content, infrastructure and advocacy organizations for two decades. These investments are guided by our Framework for Provider Agreements. If you have questions about how to benefit from these agreements, or you would like to suggest new ones, please contact us.


Research outputs, such as articles, books, data sets, protocols, software code, visualizations, etc.
Publisher/Provider Content Type(s) Benefit Funding Type
AIP Publishing e-journals Open access to use content: Journal of Applied Physics and Physics of Plasmas. Publish with no APCs. S2O
American Society for Microbiology e-journals Open access to use content: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Infection and Immunity, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Journal of Virology. Publish with no APCs. S2O
Annual Reviews articles, journals Open access to use content. Publish with no APCs. S2O
Association for Computing Machinery journals, magazines, conference proceedings Open access to use content. Publish with no APCs. transformative agreement
ArXiv preprint articles Open access to use content. membership
Berghahn Open Anthro articles, journals Open access to use content. Publish with no APCs. S2O
Biochemical Society/Portland Press articles Open access to use content: Biochemical Journal, Clinical Science, Bioscience Reports, Neuronal Signaling, Biochemical Society Transactions, Essays in Biochemistry, Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. Publish with no APCs. transformative agreement
BioMed Central articles 15% discount on APCs for UMass Amherst authors. subscription
Bloomsbury Open Collection - African Studies and International Development e-books Open access to use 20 new and 194 backlist titles. Publish with no APCs. community investment
Cambridge University Press articles APCs are waived for UMass Amherst authrs for OA publication in gold and hybrid journals. transformative agreement
Central European University Press e-books Open access to publish 25 new and 50 backlist titles in political science, history, "east meets west" and "Editor's Choice collections. Authors publish without fees. S2O
Company of Biologists e-journals Open access to use Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms and Biology Open and publish without fees. transformative agreement
InTechOpen e-books Open access to use scholarly monographs mostly in STEM, with some in social sciences and humanities. community investment
International Water Association (IWA) articles Open access to use content: AQUA: Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, Water Practice and Technology, Water Science and Technology. Publish with no APCs S2O
JSTOR Path to Open e-books Open access to use hundreds of scholarly monographs in the humanities and social sciences three years after publication. Publish with no APCs. community investment
Knowledge Unlatched e-books Open access to use scholarly monographs in the humanities and social sciences. community investment
Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP) archives, books, letters, etc. All content is open access. membership
Lyrasis Open Access Community Investment Program (OACIP) e-journals Open access to use journals Engaging Science, Technology and SocietyEnvironmental HumanitiesCombinatorial TheoryHistory of Media Studies; Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly CommunicationLiquid Blackness; American Indian Culture and Research JournalCultural AnthropologyInternational Journal of Strength and Conditioning; Cambridge Journal of Human Behaviour; Canadian Journal of Bioethics/Revue canadienne de bioéthique; Financial Services Review; Foucault Studies; Global Social Challenges Journal; HKS Misinformation Review; Observational Studies; Trans Asia Photography. Publish with no APCs. community investment
Mathematical Sciences Publishers e-journals Open access to use journals Geometry & Topology, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Algebra & Number Theory, Analysis & PDE, and Pacific Journal of Mathematics. Publish with no APCs. S2O
MDPI articles 10% discount on APCs for UMass Amherst authors. membership
MIT Press Direct to Open books Open access to use scholarly monographs in STEM, social sciences and humanities. community investment
Open Book Publishers books Open access to use scholarly monographs. membership
Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology books Open access to use. community investment
Open Library for the Humanities (OLH) articles Open access to content. Publish in 27 journals with no APCs. membership
PeerJ articles Open access to use content. UMass Amherst corresponding authors publish in any journal with no APC. community investment
PLOS articles Open access to use content. Publish with reduced ($400) APC, or no APC, depending on title. community investment
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) articles All content is open within six months of publication. For immediate open access, APC is reduced by $500. institutional license/ subscription
Public Domain Song Anthology popular music Open access to use content. community investment
Punctum Books e-books Open access to use all books and publish with no APCs. membership
The Royal Society articles 25% discount on APCs for UMass Amherst authors. membership
SPIE Journals Open Access articles 25% discount on APCs for UMass Amherst authors. subscription
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3) articles, books Open access to use content. Publish with no APCs. community investment
SpringerOpen articles 15% discount on APCs for UMass Amherst corresponding authors. subscription
Technical Reports Archive & Image Library (TRAIL) government reports Access to content without charge membership
University of California Press Luminos e-books Open access to use scholarly monographs in the social sciences and humanities. Publish open access with no APCs. community investment
University of Michigan Fund to Mission e-books Open access to scholarly monographs in the social sciences and humanities community investment


Hardware, indexing, metadata, operating systems, platforms, software, standards, unique identifiers, etc.
Publisher/Provider Content Type(s) Benefit Funding Type
BioOne articles, journals Platform to find open access articles from publishers in the biological, ecological and environmental sciences. subscription
Directory of Open Access Books  database, books Directory, indexing and curating of peer-reviewed open access books.  membership
Directory of Open Access Journals database, journals Directory, indexing and curating of peer-reviewed open access journals. membership
DSpace varies Open source repository softward. membership
Free Journal Network Diamond (non-APC) open access journals Community-governed, open source platform and support network for diamond OA journals. membership
Fulcrum/Michigan Publishing books,3-D models, embedded audio, video, and databases; zoomable online images, and interactive media Community-developed, open source platform for digital scholarship. community investment
IRUS - Institutional Repository Usage Statistics works hosted by an institutional repository. service for producing and sharing open COUNTER-based repository usage statistics. community investment
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) theses and dissertations Federated search of T&Ds. Also promotes adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of T&Ds. membership
Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OApen) books Directory, indexing, platform and publishing services for open access books. membership
Open Researcher/Contributor ID (ORCID) unique identifier and researcher/contributor data platform Open source, community-governed platform that assigns unique researcher/contributor identifiers which may be populated with profile data and exchanged with other publisher, funder and institution systems at the researcher's discretion. membership
Open Textbook Library textbooks Open textbook platform and discovery service. Textbooks include reviews and all content is openly licensed. membership
Pressbooks textbooks and books Open source, community-governed book publishing platform local instance and support


Groups of people or organizations who work together to advance common interests.
Organization Description Funding Type
Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI) Representatives from North American universities with established faculty Open Access policies and those in the process of developing them membership
Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS) Colleges and universities committed to collective action to advance open scholarship within and across their campuses membership
Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) Dedicated to supporting libraries in their publishing initiatives, including open access publishing efforts. UMass is a founding member. membership
Open Education Network Provides a collaborative community, programming and platform for open education resource development. membership
Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Supports open access, open education and scholarly communication community development initiatives, analysis and policy development. membership


Framework for Provider Agreements

The UMass Amherst Libraries' Framework for Provider Agreements guides how the Libraries invest in content and infrastructure based on a set of principles that favor open scholarship, authors' rights and broad participation in the production of and use of scholarship. The Libraries collaborate with campus scholars to distribute their works.