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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

NRC 497C - Human-Carnivore Conflicts & Conservation

Resources for research

Need help?

Ask a Librarian!

Science & Engineering Library
(413) 545-1370

W.E.B. Du Bois Research Services
(413) 545-2623

Subject specialist librarians

Required text - access through UMA Libraries

Quick List of Databases for NRC 497C

Use research databases to find journal articles and other types of publications. 

Your research topic determines where best to search. Consult Naka for help.

See Find articles tab for a longer list of databases.

From off-campus, log in with your NetID

I need YOUR help!

Give feedback for your library instruction session 

These forms go to a big database for all library classes, so for your feedback to make a difference, please include

- Librarian: Ishii, Naka 
Course no. - NRC 497C Human-Carnivore Conflicts & Conservation 
Date your class saw the librarian - 2/21/2017
Your professor's last name - LeFlore

Please be constructively critical - we are always interested in doing better!