Your Librarian
- Discovery Search This link opens in a new windowSearch to find (e)books, articles, films, and more. It contains most but not all of the resources available to you through the UMass Amherst Libraries and the other Five College librariesFree to use for anyone to find records. Some results, and detailed information such as PDFs and full text links, are available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- WorldCat This link opens in a new windowThe combined catalogs of most U.S. libraries.Content is freely available for use by all.
- Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new windowScholarly journals from all academic disciplines - an excellent starting point for multidisciplinary research projects. 3,200 full-text journals. Coverage from 1975 to present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new window
Core scholarly journals from a range of disciplines, dating from the earliest issue of each journal to a few years before present.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Annee Philologique This link opens in a new window
Citations to journal articles and books in the field of Classics. Search for ancient authors using the Latin form of the name. 1949-present.
Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Literature Resource Center This link opens in a new windowA large collection of literature reference material, including criticism and author biographies.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- MLA International Bibliography This link opens in a new windowAn index to journal articles and other scholarly literature on literature, literary theory and criticism, linguistics, folklore, and (since 1996) film, 1920s -Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- Project Muse This link opens in a new windowScholarly journals and books in the humanities and social sciences published by university presses; searchable by journal issue, author, and keyword, 1996-present.Available on campus to all, or off-campus to UMass Amherst students, staff and faculty with an UMass Amherst IT NetID (user name) and password.
- The Encyclopedia MythicaThis comprehensive site has entries for thousands of gods, heroes, beasts and supernatural objects in many world cultures and religions.
- World Myths & Legends in ArtProvides information on mythology found in art by various cultures.
- Myth Encyclopedia: Myth and Legends of the WorldA free, online encyclopedia with brief articles on world mythologies by region, figures and themes in myth, and the legends themselves.
The W.E.B. Du Bois Library has created this guide to direct library patrons to accurate and reliable sources for information about World Mythology.
- Bulfinch's MythologyFull-text of Bulfinch's Mythology, one of the most popular texts and standard work on mythology in English, hosted by MythHomes.
- GodChecker.comA database of over 3,000 entries on gods, spirits, beasts, and demons from world mythology and folklore.
- Gods and is dedicated to deciphering the mysteries behind modern mythology by using ancient myths and folktales as a guide. From understanding the ancient gods and goddesses to sharing tales of recent paranormal encounters to identifying unnatural creatures, this site aims to provide information about yesterday's myths and today's mysteries.
- Mythical Creatures ListOver 3,000 entries on creatures found in mythology and folklore from around the world.
- In Search of Myths & HerosWebsite for the PBS series hosted by Michael Wood where he explores four of the world's most famous myths.
- John Adcox's Virtual Library: Mythology & FolkloreAnnotated collection of links to websites on mythology and folklore.
- Mythology-Folklore OnlineLaura Gibbs' online course website that provides extensive background readings, resources, and images galleries for selected myths and folklore from different regions of the world.
- The Internet Sacred Text ArchiveThis is an electronic archive of texts covering religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics.
- UC Press E-Books CollectionCollection of freely available e-books published by the University of California Press. This link goes directly to books with "Folklore and Mythology" as the subject.
- Folktexts: Folklore and Mythology Electronic TextsA collection of electronic texts organized by theme.
Revision History
Created by Simmons LIS 413 Students (Summer 2011):
- Andrew Creamer
- Amanda Darby
- Heidi Downing
- Laura Sherriff
- Kurt Shoemaker
- Rebecca Wechsler
Revised by Carl Nguyen (Summer 2012)
Revised by Rachel Statham (Fall 2012)
Revised by Lindsay McEwen (Spring 2015)
- Last Updated: Oct 9, 2024 11:37 AM
- URL:
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