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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Microform Collections at the UMass Amherst Libraries

Microform Collections at the UMass Amherst Libraries - A to F - by Title Keyword

Acheson, Dean. Official conversations & meetings UM Microform 5565 1949-53 Truman's Sec. of State, Marshall Plan, NATO, Korean War.
Adams II, Charles Francis, papers UM Microform 7585 1861-1933. officer, MA RR comm. chair, pres. UP RR & MA Hist. Soc.
Adams family - Microfilms of the Adams Papers UM Microform  A313 Public/private Adams family journals, letters, state papers.
Adams, Henry, papers  UM Microform 7118 1843-1938. Author, historian, journalist, John Adams' gr. grandson.
Adams, Samuel, papers UM Microform 11179 1635-1826. Revolution. patriot, MA legislator, Cont. Cong. delegate.
AFL records: the Samuel Gompers era UM Microform 4781  1877-1937. 300,000+ pp. corresp., minutes, repts., speeches, scrapbks.
Africa. Exploration & colonization of Africa UM Microform 12366 1794-1844. British Colonial Office letters, treaties, journals.
Africa. CIA research reports, Africa UM Microform 6924 1946-76. 206 titles covering intl. questions, Congo, leaders' biographies.
Africa. OSS/State Dept. intelligence & research reports UM Microform 7038 1941-61: Pt. 13 Anti-colonialism era. Written by respected academics.
African slave trade, suppression UM Microform D89 1854-1872. U.S. Interior Dept. letters sent and received.
AIDS research archives UM Microfiche 833 1980s-1990s. Pamphlets, clippings, ephemera, Gay Men's Health archive.
Alger Hiss case: basic cocuments UM Microform 5124 Hearings, transcripts from the 1948-50 Hiss-Chambers espionage trials.
Allston, Washington. Papers UM Microform 5555 1800-43. Artist, poet, SC native. Letters, bio. items, lectures, sketchbooks.
American culture series, 1493 - 1875 UM Microform A81 Books, pamphlets. 5,000 titles, Mostly written, published in US.
American Federation of Labor Records, 1898-1953 UM Microform 7095 Pt. 1 Strikes & agreements, 2,000+ local unions in US/Canada.
American Indian tribes. Council meetings UM Microform 7033 1907-71. Official minutes re: water supply, employment, health, etc.
American natural history UM Microform 12084 Explorers' jrnls./travelers' accts. from American frontier days. 302 titles.
American prose fiction series, 1774-1900 UM Microform A97 Novels, short stories, romances. 11,000 titles, US authors.
American periodicals series, 18th century UM Microform A82 88 periodicals published in US, 1741-1800, Series 1.
American periodicals series, 1800 - 1850 UM Microform A83 Periodicals published in the US, Series II.
American periodicals series: 1850-1900 UM Microform  A329 Civil War and Reconstruction. Series III
American radicalism collection UM Microform 12370 From MSU. 1960s-'70s. Pamphlets, broadsides, clippings. 2,300+ subjects.
Andrews, John A., papers UM Microform 7708 1772-1895. Prominent anti-slavery lawyer, MA Civil War governor.
Archivo General de las Indias. Seville. UM Microfilm A434 16th-17th century colonial documents mainly from Mexico and Peru.
Argentina. Women in Argentina IV: pamphlets UM Microform 10529 1986-91. Princeton Univ. Latin American pamphlet collection. 56 items.
Assassination. President John F. Kennedy, evidence UM Microform 314 Letters, police reports, statements, photographs.
Barnett, Claude A., papers. Pt. 1 ANP news releases UM Microform 6908 1928-64. Associated Negro Press, oldest/largest black press service in US
Barnett, Claude A., papers. Pt. 2 ANP org. files UM Microform 6909 1920-66. Well-organized files of correspondence, clippings, memos, etc.
Barnett, Claude A., papers. Pt. 3 subj. files, Black Am. UM Microform 6910 1918-67. 100,000+ pp. Correspondence, pamphlets, documents.
Bartlett, Josiah, Papers, 1729-1795 UM Microform 4063 NH governor and physician, legislator, militia colonel.
Belcher, Jonathan, Governor, letter books UM Microform  736 1723-1754. Colonial governor, Harvard graduate, wealthy Boston merchant.
B.F. Stevens' facsimiles UM Microform 949 British confidential documents from the American Revolutionary period.
Biddle, Captain James, journal, 1817-1819 UM Microform D225 Naval master-commandant. Took possession of the OR Territory in 1817.
Black Panther Party, NC. FBI file UM Microform 7712 1968-76. Traces efforts to est. NC chapters. Surveillance repts., BPP docs.
Black workers...Great Migration UM Microform 6571 1916-25. S. Black Americans migration to Northern industrial centers.
Blaine, Ephraim Papers UM Microform 1503 1766-1805. Merchant, Continental Army Commissary General. 3,500 items.
Booker T. Washington papers UM Microform 5554 1864-1960. Black educ. leader, author. Family, pers., special corresp.
Boston Overseers of the Poor records UM Microform 12367 1733-1925. Administrative/almhouse/temporary home/misc. records
Bridgman, Elijah Papers 1820-1839 UM Microform 1411 Missionary in China. Letters, sermons, biographical materials.
British periodicals in the creative arts UM Microfilm A1164 1700s-early 1900s. Fine arts, architecture, archeology, drama, music.
British sessional papers. House of Commons UM Microprint 47 1731-1969 Reports, bills, treaties, correspondence,"white papers."
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1791, papers UM Microform 10543 British statesman, notes/papers on America, Indians, Ireland, etc.
Byles family papers UM Microform 7265 1757-1837. Loyalist family corresp., Boston, some fled to Halifax.
Cabot, Samuel, papers UM Microform 7112 1713-1858. Boston China merchant also engaged in opium trade.
Cameron, Simon papers, 1738-1919 UM Microform 1507 U.S. Secretary of War, Senator, Minister to Russia.
Canada, Briefs and transcripts...1963-1965 UM Microform 2853 Hearings and 300+ briefs on bilingualism and biculturalism in Canada.
Canada, Briefs and transcripts of public hearings UM Microform 2854  Investigation of equal opportunity for women in Canadian society.
Canada, Transcripts, public hearings, Oct 1969 - Nov 1970 UM Microform 2821 Inquiry into mood-modifying drug use in Canada. 500+ submissions.
Census. Census roll, 1835, Cherokee Indians east of MS UM Microform D171 AKA Henderson Roll. Lists 900+ Heads of Households in AL, GA, NC, TN.
Census. Final rolls...Five Civilized Tribes UM Microform D80 1898-1914. AKA Dawes Rolls. Those accepted for membership in the FCT.
Census. Census of Creek Indians 1832 UM Microform D237 Principal chiefs and heads of families. Counts males, females, slaves.
Census. First census, 1790 US population schedules UM Microfilm D252 Only Heads of Households' names appear.
Census. First census, 1790 US population schedules UM Microfilm D253 Printed schedules published in 1907-08.
Census. Second census 1800 US population schedules  UM Microfilm D254 Only Heads of Households' names appear.
Census. Third census 1810 US population schedules UM Microfilm D255 Questions and age categories are identical to 1800 US census.
Census. Fourth census 1820 US population schedules UM Microfiom D256 Noted occupations and naturalization. Counted males 16-18.
Census. Fifth census 1830 US population schedules UM Microfilm D257 Only Heads of Households' names. First to use uniform, printed forms.
Census. Sixth census 1840 US population schedules UM Microfilm D258 Only Heads of Households' names. Lists Revolutionary War pensioners.
Census. Seventh census 1850 US population schedules UM Microfilm D259 First "modern census" & first to list all household members' names.
Census. Eighth census 1860 US population schedules UM Microfilm D260 Last census before Civil War. First to ask personal property value.
Census. Ninth census 1870 US population schedules  UM Microfilm D261 First census after Civil War. Identifies war survivors.
Census. Tenth census 1880 US population schedules UM Microfilm D262 First listing relationship to Head of Household, parents' birthplaces.
Census. Twelfth census 1900 US population schedules
UM Microfilm D305 Only census to list birth month & year. First to record immigration year.
Census. Thirteenth census 1910 US UM Microfilm D313 Identifies living Civil War veterans, very similar to 1900 census.
Channing, William Ellery, papers UM Microform 7119 1791-1892. Unitarian minister, liberal relig. thought spokesman, author.
Chilean women's organizations & protest activities UM Microform 9281 1985-87. Princeton Univ. Latin American pamphlet collection, 128 items.
Chandler, Zachariah Papers, 1854-1899 UM Microform 1505 Interior Secretary and U.S. Senator. Civil War and Reconstruction era.
Chavez, Cesar. FBI file UM Microform 12368 Investigation of labor organizer Chavez and the United Farm Workers.
Child, Lydia Maria. Collected correspondence UM Microfiche 121 1817-80. MA author/activist's 2,604 letters re: women's rights, abolition, etc.
Chile, protesta nacional UM Microform 6698 1984-84. Pamphlets, documents relating to protest movement in Chile.
Chinese communism, Documents relating to early history UM Microform 2647 In Chinese. Collected by Nationalist China Vice Pres. Ch'en Ch'eng.
Chinese communism, microfilms UM Microform 554 In Chinese and from Hoover Institution.
CIA research reports: Latin America UM Microform 6539 1946-76. Domestic politics, economic issues, foreign relations.
City & business directories, United States through 1860 UM Microfiche 19 First Segment, 1647 city directories, earliest Baltimore, 1752.
Civil rights during the Johnson administration UM Microform 6548 1963-69. Pt. 1-3. Corresp., internal memos, oral history interviews, etc.
Civil rights during the Kennedy administration UM Microform 7080 1961-63. Pt. 2 Papers of Burke Marshall, Asst. AG for Civil Rights. 30,000 pp.
Civil Rights. President Truman's Committee... UM Microform 6552 Blue ribbon panel appointed in 1946. Corresp., mtg. transcripts, etc.
Civil War 1861-1865 UM Microfiche 593 1,758 pamphlets. Memoirs, speeches, veterans' pension petitions, etc.
Civil War. Massachusetts. compiled records, soldiers. UM Microform 7100 Alpha. card index (name/rank/unit served) for volunteers, MA units.
Cobb, David. Papers UM Microform 5790 1708-1833. M.D., Revo. War officer, MA Lt.Gov/H.Speaker/Sen. Pres.
Cold War. Documents of the National Security Council  UM Microform 7591  1947-77. US Cold War relations with USSR, China, Korea, SE Asia, etc.
Colman, Benjamin. Papers UM Microform 5787 1641-1763. Prominent Presbyterian minister of Boston's Brattle St. Ch.
Combat estimates, Europe, U.S. mil. intell. reports UM Microform 7097 1920-43. Eval. potential enemies/allies, strengths/weaknesses.
Combat estimates, W. Hemisphere, intell. reports UM Microform 7098 1920-43. Recovery from war, prep. for another. Future allies/enemies
Committee for Public Justice. FBI file UM Microform 7132 ACLU affiliate formed in 1970. Concerned with political repression.
Congress of Racial Equality papers: addendum UM Microform 5889 1944-68. Emphasis on 1961-68. Favored more militant black power action.
Congress of Racial Equality papers UM Microfilm 5888 1941-67. Primarily 1959-64 corresp. Promoted nonviolent protests.
Consular officers, U.S., List. 1789-1939 UM Microfilm D156 By country with personal and employment information.
Constitutions and laws of the American Indians UM Microform 3714 Printed constitutions, statutes, etc. from 13 tribes and nations.
Continental Congress. Papers UM Microform D7 1774-1789. Variety of records from Continental/Confederate Congresses.
Cuba. Confidential US diplomatic post records...Cuba UM Microform 6543 1930-45. Papers, US diplomats on polit. affairs, agric., economics, trade, etc.
Cuffe, Paul collection c. 1742-1963 UM Microform 2469 Highly successful African American merchant, ship captain, Abolitionist.
Cullen, Countee. Papers, 1921-1969 UM Microform 4062 Renowned Harlem Renaissance poet, novelist, playwright.
Dall, Caroline H., Papers UM Microform 7117 1811-1917. Leading reformer/essayist, anti-slavery & women's suffrage.
Davis, John. Papers UM Microform 276 PA militia capt. who procured/transported Continental Army provisions.
Decimal file, 1910-29 UM Microform D Ser. State Dept. correspondence with diplomatic/consular officials, individuals.
Dee, John. Books and manuscripts UM Microform 11802 1527-1608. Reconstructed lib. of Dee, astrologer, mathematician, collector.
Defense. Records. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Pt. 2 UM Microform 6528 1946-53. Memos/official repts. atomic/bio./chem. warfare, Berliln airlift.
Defense. Records. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Pt. 2 UM Microform 6529 1946-53. Memos/official repts., psychological warfare, global demarcation.
Defense. Public statements by the Secretaries of Defense UM Microform 6906 1947-81. Pt. 1-5, Congress testimony, speeches, briefings, press conf.
Dickens, Charles, manuscripts UM Microform 5675 From the Forster Collection, Victoria & Albert Museum.
Diplomats. List of U.S. diplomatic officers, 1789-1939 UM Microform D185 By country with personal and employment information.
Diplomats. Notes from foreign legations, 1791-1906 UM Microform D Ser. Communications to State Dept., foreign legations/embassies in the US.
Diplomats. Dispatches, 1792-1906 UM Microform D Ser. Reports to the State Dept. from US diplomatic representatives abroad.
Diplomats. Dispatches from U.S. consuls in... UM Microform D Ser. 1797-1906. Communication to State Dept., Commerce, US citizens.
Diplomats. Numerical & minor files, Dept. of State UM Microform D322 1906-10. Consular/diplomatic corresp. on all aspects of Am. diplomacy.
Disarmament. Com. on Disarmament, meetings, docs. UM Microform 6803  1962-84. Arms limitations, nuclear/chemical/bio. weapons, arms race, etc.
Disarmament. Documents, disarmament UM Microform 6802 1945-82. U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency annual vols.
Disarmament. Nuclear, arms control, special studies UM Microform 7587 1961-81. Think tank studies on the nuclear arms race.
Disarmament. Nuclear, arms control, spl. studies, suppl. UM Microform 7588 1981-83. Think tank reports on thermonuclear war, aftermath.
Disarmament. Nuclear, arms control, spl. studies, suppl. UM Microform 7589 1983-84. Studies analyze arms race goals, risks, strategies.
Disarmament. Nuclear, arms control, spl. studies, suppl. UM Microform 7590 1985-86. Studies concerning the Strategic Defense Initiative.
Documents...des la Gironde... UM Microform 1261 MSS of 18th cent. tax assessment, sugar trade, slavery, America.
Du Bois, W.E.B., Papers: 1803(1877-1963) 1965 UM Microfilm 4877 150,000+ items from UMA collection. Black reform leader, scholar, author.
Du Bois, W.E.B., FBI file UM Microform 10791 Investigation of Du Bois' suspected Communist affiliations.
Dulles, John Foster., Papers...and Christian A. Herter UM Microform 7254 1953-61. Secretaries of State corresp., memos, speeches, Pres. mtgs.
Dunayevskaya, Raya. Collection UM Microform 10226 Russian author, founder - Marxist-Humanism in US. Mss., corresp., pubs.
Early American newspapers UM Microprint 1 - 60 1704-1820. 54+ newspapers from CT, GA, MA, NY, PA, RI, VA
Early British periodicals UM Microform  A333 168 periodicals, 18th/19th century.
Edison, Thomas A., Papers UM Microfilm 7255 1850-98. Notebks., business recs., diaries, corresp. of famous inventor.
Einstein, Albert. FBI file UM Microform 7131 Surveillance of Einstein, advocate of Zionism & peace via world govt.
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Diaries of Dwight D. Eisenhower UM Microform 7706 1953-61. 28,000 pp. Corresp., memors of phone conversations, repts. etc.
El Salvador. Confidential US diplomatic post records UM Microform 6541 Political & military affairs, econ. problems, 1931 coup, etc.
El Salvador. Confidential U.S. State Dept. central files UM Microform 7046 1945-49. Internal/foreign aff., Salvador Castaneda, Oscar Osorio regimes.
El Salvador. Confidential U.S. State Dept. central files UM Microform 7047 1950-54. Internal/foreign affairs - political, economic, & social conditions.
English literary periodicals UM Microform A88 200 titles, 17th-19th centuries, British literary review journals.
Everett, Edward, 1794-1865. Papers UM Microform 3596 Senator, Congressman, Sec. of State, MA gov., Harvard pres., pastor.
Les Femmes...rare works from France UM Microfiche 597 1676-1952. 129 titles by & about women, Biblio. Nationale. In French.
Fashion. New York/Hollywood fashion/costume design UM Microfiche 605 1910-1950s. Brooklyn Mus. collec., 55 designers' 657 color sketches.
Fields, Annie Adams. Papers UM Microform 5789 1852-1912. Wife of James Fields, author. Diaries, correspondence, etc.
Film title index UM Microfilm A782 Index cards with details of 200,000+ films, 1908-1982.
Forbes papers UM Microform 1497 Merchants engaged in China trade, sea safety, Chinese botany.
Franklin, Benjamin. Account books UM Microform 3821 1743-1787. Domestic, personal, public, business, & Phila. P.O. accts.
French books before 1601 UM Microform A96 Short-title catalogue of French books, 1740 to 1600.
Fulham papers at Lambeth Palace Library UM Microform 1508 17th-18th cent. correspondence of colonial clergy & the Bishop of London.