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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Theater 130: Contemporary Playwrights of Color

A library research guide for students in Priscilla Page's class at UMass Amherst.

Library Research for Theater 130:

Contemporary Playwrights of Color




Your assignment: Write your own research based performance piece!

You will work both in class and on your own on this project which is, ultimately, an interview theater piece. Your model text for this project is Undesirable Elements: Real People, Real Lives, Real Theater by Ping Chong.  Using this book, you will model your work after Chong’s approach to community-based storytelling. It will include personal writing, interviews and research that you will develop into a one-act script.

Doing research on contemporary communities and playwrights of color

Where to research playwrights and communities of color?

Start with these databases: Make sure to read the descriptions so you know what kinds of research resources you are searching.

Tip for databases

After you've run a search, use the button to retrieve articles or to be taken directly to the Interlibrary Loan request page, so you can order the article if UMass does not have it.

Citation Management

Use a citation manager, such as Zotero to keep track of your research.

Put all your references in one place, create quick and easy bibliographies, build your knowledgebase for the rest of your career. For help, check out the online guides and webinars or Ask a Librarian. 

Some tips on using Chicago notation style with Zotero