Narco-violence in Mexico
Books & databases
Relevant subject headings for books in the Five Colleges catalog include
Drug traffic--Mexico
Drug control--Mexico
Don't forget to take your search from the local to the national/international level by searching WorldCat for more books on this subject.
Databases: Try databases which deal with Latin America, politics, or social issues, including
Newspapers & news bulletins:
La violencia en México
The United States' insatiable appetite for illegal substances has fueled a desperate battle between drug cartels and the Mexican government, fought with arms largely purchased in the U.S. and smuggled into Mexico. Since 2008, when President Felipe Calderón "declared war" on the smuggler cartels, more than 28,000 people, including police, judges, prosecutors, elected public officials as well as thousands of innocent bystanders have been murdered. |
Keeping current:
There are a number of blogs which are keeping track of narco-violence in Mexico and in the border region. They include
Frontera List
News and discussion of U.S.-Mexico border issues. Managed by Molly Molloy, Border & Latin American specialist at New Mexico State University Library.
Border Reporter
Reporter's notebook, by Monica Ortiz Uribe
Borderland Beat
Borderland Beat, a blog dedicated to reporting on organized crime on the border between the U.S. and Mexico
America's Mexico Blog
"The Americas MexicoBlog of the CIP Americas Program chronicles and
analyzes, in English, the latest developments in the U.S. and the consequences
in Mexico of U.S. policies in the War on Drugs, Immigration and Globalization,
together with the related political dynamics in both countries."
Narco Mexico
Narco Mexico--News links and information about narcoviolence in Mexico, with links to Noroeste, Proceso, Milenio, El Universal, and other news reporting on the situation.
Ciudad Juárez, en la sombra de narcotráfico
Ciudad Juárez, in the shadow of narcotráfico--all rights reserved, by Judith Torrea
Mexico's Drug War
"An ongoing analysis of border violence issues by an experienced intelligence professional."
El Blog del Narco
Text in Spanish, with many pictures. Sensitive viewers should use caution.
"Mexican news & opinion," with many links to press items.
Narco News Bulletin
"Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from all América."
For further assistance on this topic, contact Peter Stern, Latin American Bibliographer
Books & reports on narco-violence
E-links & Databases
Databases: Try databases which deal with Latin America, politics, or social issues, including
Hispanic-American Periodicals Index
International Political Science Abstracts
Columbia International Affairs Online
Full text policy papers from think tanks, research institutes, and agencies.
Newspapers & news bulletins:
CQ Researcher
Congressional Quarterly research bulletin.
Mexican newspapers:
Relevant subject headings for books in the Five Colleges catalog include
Drug traffic--Mexico
Drug control--Mexico
Don't forget to take your search from the local to the national/international level by searching WorldCat for more books on this subject.
- Last Updated: Jul 8, 2019 12:02 PM
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