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The University of Massachusetts Amherst


This is a guide about standards, with links to standard development organizations and other important standards resources.

Identifying Standards

Identify standards you need using these free databases:

Finding standards at UMass Amherst

Databases that contain Standards:

SAE Mobilus is the platform that provides our current subscribed content from the Society of Automotive Engineers. This includes: Ground Vehicle Standards (also called J-Standards/Reports) (1927 - 2018)

For standards in print:

1. Search the UMass Libraries Discovery search for the standard's title in quotes.  (EX: "Wheelchairs - Part 1: Determination of static stability").  If it is in the UMass Amherst Libraries collection, you will find its location in the resulting item record.  

2. If UMass Amherst Libraries does not own it, you are part of the UMass Amherst Community, and you need the standard for your research or coursework, you may request a standard by emailing the Engineering Librarian