Japanese Reading Ladders - Manga/Anime Adaptations
This guide offers you some choices of reading the same story as a manga, picture book, novel, or watching it as a live action drama or anime.
- Age 12 12歳
- Kimi no na wa 君の名は
- Orange オレンジ
- Ore Monogatari 俺物語
- Summer Wars サマーウォーズ
- Yokai Watch 妖怪ウォッチ
- My Neighbor Totoro となりのトトロ
- Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し
Sharon Domier

Sharon Domier
room 2249 (22nd floor)
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Social: GoodReads Page
What is it?
Hanabi Ayase and her best friend, Yui Aoi, are 6th graders in school. When Hanabi is chosen to work with Yuuto Takao for an upcoming test, she begins to fall in love with him and they both start dating. Yui also falls in love with Kazuma Hiyama, after he protects her from a classmate who talked about Yui behind her back, and they start dating as well. But with physiological changes and more and more obstacles in their love lives, will Hanabi and Yui overcome everything and find true love at the age of 12? -- plot summary from Wikipedia
Manga by Maita Nao
Jūnisai 12歳 Age 12 by Maita Nao まいた菜穂
Call Number: PL876.S845 J85 2015ISBN: 9784092308251Hanabi is a sixth-grade girl who is neither an adult nor a child. She deals with issues such as accidentally witnessing her homeroom teacher kissing, and worrying about experiencing physiological changes before her friends.--Anime news network.
UMass: has v.1-5
Novelization by Tsuji Miyuki
12歳. 5, おとなでも, こどもでも by Tsuji Miyuki 辻みゆき
Call Number: Tadoku Level 4 SEPISBN: 9784092308251Publication Date: 2015This is the fifth volume in the 12-sai series. Hanabi is 12 and on the cusp of adulthood, but at the moment she feels like she is neither an adult nor a child.
- Last Updated: Mar 8, 2024 11:03 AM
- URL: https://guides.library.umass.edu/c.php?g=700075
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