History 331: English History from the Seventeenth Century
Your Librarian
Arts databases
Art Abstracts
index to articles and reproductions of works of art in art-related
magazines, journals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, 1984-present.
Art Index Retrospective
index to articles and reproductions of works of art in art-related
magazines, journals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, 1929-1984.
Bibliography of the History of Art
books, conference proceedings, dissertations, and exhibition and
dealer's catalogs on European and American art and art history,
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
on architecture, planning, landscape architecture, interior design, and
historic preservation, from journals published worldwide. Date coverage
varies by title; some 1912-present.
Finding other scholarly articles
Historical Abstracts
Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books and dissertations on world history from 1450 to present, 1954-present.
scholarly journals from a range of disciplines, dating from the
earliest issue of each journal to a few years before present.
Academic Search Premier
good starting point: articles from key journals in many scholarly
disciplines, with some trade journals and magazines, 1975-present.
Humanities International Complete
articles in archaeology, classics, cultural studies, arts, philosophy,
history, linguistics, and literature, plus literary magazines,
ITER: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance
bibliography of scholarly publications on the Middle Ages and
Renaissance; the ITER Italia manuscript catalog; and three journals.
Covers the period 400-1700; citations date back to 1784.
MLA International Bibliography
index to journal articles and other scholarly literature on literature,
literary theory and criticism, linguistics, folklore, and (since 1996)
film, 1920’s -
Books on Caravaggio
History databases
Historical Abstracts
Citations and abstracts for journal articles, books and dissertations on world history from 1450 to present, 1954-present.
Core scholarly journals from a range of disciplines, dating from the earliest issue of each journal to a few years before present.
Project Muse
Scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences published by university presses; searchable by journal issue, author, and keyword, 1996-present.
Finding other scholarly and contemporaneous articles (Primary materials)
Academic Search Premier
A good starting point: articles from key journals in many scholarly disciplines, with some trade journals and magazines, 1975-present.
Humanities International Complete
Journal articles in archaeology, classics, cultural studies, arts, philosophy, history, linguistics, and literature, plus literary magazines, 1975-present.
Early English Books Online
The 125,000 earliest books published in English, 1475-1700.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Every significant book or pamphlet printed in the UK, and English-language titles printed in America, between 1701 and 1800.
Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900 AI3.W44
Index to articles in British periodicals
Print only; shelved Reference
Nineteenth Century Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, 1890-1899
Print only; shelved in Reference AL3.N71
Poole's Index to Periodical Literature AI3.P7 1802-1881
Print only; shelved in Reference
Palmer's Index to the Times newspaper, 1790- AI21.T5,(also T57 & T58)
The Times of London is available on microfilm, A9
Print only; in the stacks (floor 8)
Historical New York Times
The entire New York Times, searchable, in image files, from 1851 to three years ago.
Hansard Online
"This site is generated from information from Hansard, the Official Report of debates in Parliament." 1803-2005.
Mt. Holyoke has Hansard and other British parliamerntary materials online.
Smith College has the Goldsmith's-Kress Library of historical economic materials online
Books on British History
The principle subject heading in the Five Colleges Library Catalog for British history is
Great Britain--History. Under this "main heading" are several thousand subheadings, divided by time period and monarch.
There are also many other relevant subject headings, such as
Great Britain--Economic policy
Great Britain-- Foreign relations
Great Britain--Foreign economic relations
Great Britain--Politics and government
Great Britain--Commerce
etc., etc.
Great Britain--Board of Trade
Great Britain--Parliament--House of Commons
For material on British involvement in various commodities, try catalog searches such as
Sugar Trade--West Indies
Sugar trade--England
Slave trade--Great Britain
UMA WorldCat also has thousands of books, articles, websites, films, art, etc. on British history. Use Interlibrary Loan to have these materials brought here for your papers.
Reference Resources
The Oxford Companion to British History
A Dictionary of British History
Encyclopedia of European Social History
History of World Trade Since 1450
The following encyclopedias can be found in the Reference Stacks, Learning Commons level:
Reader's Guide to British History DA34.R43 2003
Medieval England DA129.M43 1998
Tudor England DA315.T753
Britain in the Hanoverian Age DA480.B75 1997
Encyclopedia of the Victorian Era DA550.E527 2004
Who's Who in British History DA28.W616 1998
Collin's Encyclopedia of Scotland DA772.C618 1994
The Encyclopedia of Ireland DA906.E54 2003
- Last Updated: Apr 3, 2024 1:13 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.umass.edu/englishhistory
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