History 591T: Trials in History
Reference resources
Reference books are usually encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, etc. They are intended to provide quick, reliable information, summaries of complex matters, and, very importantly, bibliographies--suggestions for futher reading.
These reference materials are invariably written by experts in their fields, so they are more trustworthy than Wikipedia--all have gone through a process of editorial review. For an illustrated explanation, see the home page presentation, "What is a referred or scholarly article?"
Reference sources
All materials, unless not marked "REF", are located in the Reference area, Main Floor, Du Bois Library
Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution REF DS146.E8 A58 2005
Encyclopedia of Russian history REF DK14.E53 2004 +
The encyclopedia of the Third Reich REF DD256.5.G76313 1991 +
Encyclopedia of the Victorian era REF DA550.E527 2004
The Oxford companion to Irish history REF DA912.O94 2002
Medieval France: an encyclopedia REF DC33.2.M44 1995 +
Dictionary of the Middle Ages REF D114.D5 1982 +
Europe 1450 to 1789 : encyclopedia of the early modern world REF D209.E97 2004 +
Great world trials REF K540 .G74 1997
The trial : a history, from Socrates to O.J. Simpson K542 .K33 2006
- Last Updated: Oct 2, 2024 4:14 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.umass.edu/trials
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