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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

History 591T: Trials in History

Reference resources

Electronic reference

Reference books are usually encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, atlases, etc. They are intended to provide quick, reliable information, summaries of complex matters, and, very importantly, bibliographies--suggestions for futher reading.

These reference materials are invariably written by experts in their fields, so they are more trustworthy than Wikipedia--all have gone through a process of editorial review. For an illustrated explanation, see the home page presentation, "What is a referred or scholarly article?"

Reference sources

All materials, unless not marked "REF",  are located in the Reference area, Main Floor, Du Bois Library

Antisemitism: a historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution   REF DS146.E8  A58 2005

Encyclopedia of Russian history  REF DK14.E53 2004 +

The encyclopedia of the Third Reich    REF DD256.5.G76313 1991 + 

Encyclopedia of the Victorian era     REF DA550.E527 2004  

The Oxford companion to Irish history     REF DA912.O94 2002

Medieval France: an encyclopedia     REF DC33.2.M44 1995 + 
Dictionary of the Middle Ages     REF D114.D5 1982 + 

Europe 1450 to 1789 : encyclopedia of the early modern world    REF D209.E97 2004 +

Great world trials     REF K540  .G74 1997  

The trial : a history, from Socrates to O.J. Simpson    K542  .K33 2006