Coastal & Marine Sciences
A guide to resources for the Five College Certificate Program in Coastal & Marine Sciences.
Data Sets
- National Hydrography Data SetSurface waters of U.S.
- Climate DataFrom NOAA...
- Oceanographic DataFrom NOAA.
- Marine Geology & GeophysicsFrom NOAA
- MORIS (Massachusetts Ocean Resource Information System)Users can interactively view various data layers (e.g., tide gauge stations, marine protected areas, access points, eelgrass beds, etc.) over a backdrop of aerial photographs, political boundaries, natural resources, human uses, bathymetry, or other data.
- Global Change Master Data Set DirectoryFrom NASA.
- National Ocean Economics ProgramEconomic data on fisheries and other ocean economy effects from a non-governmental organization the Center for the Blue Economy.
Government Resources
Suggestions welcome...
- NOAA's Coral Reef Information SystemGlossary of technical terms, region-specific data, essays, and photos.
- Coastal Ocean Modeling ToolsFrom the USGS Woods Hole Science Center.
- Coastal & Hydraulics LaboratoryFrom the Army Corps. of Engineers.
- Coastal & Marine GeologyFrom the U.S. Geological Survey.
- DAMOS Disposal Area Monitoring SystemMonitoring of New England dredged material disposal sites and other information.
- NASA Oceanography ResourcesMaps, data query tools and more...
- Regional Fishery Management Councils (U.S.)Each council has links to species-specific management plans.
- Essential Fish Habitat MapperFrom NOAA
Watch the weather
Some of the many online resources for weather and climate information...
- Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 4:09 PM
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Subjects: Biology, Coastal & Marine Science, Environmental Sciences