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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Commonwealth Honors College: Getting Started With Library Research

Evaluating Information

There are three helpful methods for evaluating information:

  • Fact-Checking
    • Fact-checking is the primary method that the media and publishers use to determine if the information they have found or have been given is trustworthy.
  • SIFT
    • The SIFT method is a four-step method to determine the validity and reliability of information:
      • Stop.
      • Investigate the Source.
      • Find better or other coverage.
      • Trace back to source - see original content.
    • The CRAAP test is a list of questions you can use to evaluation information based upon: 
      • Currency
      • Relevance
      • Authority
      • Accuracy
      • Purpose

Using at least two of the methods can help you to determine if the information that you have found is valid and from an authoritative source.