Just as the collection has been physically set up to encourage you to find reading materials in your reading level and in a genre that you prefer, it is also possible to browse using the online catalog. Each item in the collection has a note in the bibliographic record saying "Tadoku Level # and the genre code" So, manga that have been assigned a reading level of 3 are retrievable by using this keyword "tadoku level 3 mc"
![Discover Tadoku Level 3 Search](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/accounts/136335/images/Tadoku_level_3.png)
This will give you a list from most recent to older materials. What you see from left to right is: author, title, format, year, and THE IMPORTANT PART - the call number. To read the call number you work from left to right. First is the location: East Asian Ref. Room (22nd floor), then Tadoku Level 4, then genre MC (green sticker for manga and comic essays). If you click on that call number, you can see how many volumes we have and if they are checked out or not. Remember you can place a hold on anything that is checked out.