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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

HPP 616 Health Policy in the United States

resources for policy writing assignments for Dr Attanasio's class

Focus Your Search

Your assignment is to relate your public health problem as a health policy issue.

To focus on articles that focus on the policy about your topic, you may need to limit your search to only look for health policy in the Title or Title/Abstract. 

Use References

A good tip when researching is to look at the reference section of sources you find useful. This may help aid your research by directing you to new and applicable sources you may not have found otherwise.

Societies and Organizations

Many wide-reaching topics (e.g., obesity, diabetes, etc.) will have several societies and organizations devoted solely to advocating and researching that particular topic and may be beneficial in providing you with the issues, differing options/sides, and current information on the topic.

In the News

Look at what is in the news. While most news articles may not be appropriate to cite, it may direct you to a study that was just released or conversations that occurring that are relevant to your topic.

New York Times Online
UMass Amherst Libraries have purchased access to the New York Times Academic Pass program for the UMass Amherst campus. To register for your academic account to the New York Times, you'll need a UMass Amherst email address. 

Follow the Registration instructions on our New York TImes Online guide to set up your account.

Local Information

If working on a topic for a particular community, try to get information that most directly relates to that area. Even if an issue is national, it is important to show your audience how it affects their community and why they should take action by the information you present. Search local, state, and community sites.

Research Takes Time

One of the most important things is to give yourself adequate time to research information and understand multiple sides of an issue to better develop and present your information.