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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Finals Fun - Relax and Recharge!

Take a break and Good Luck with your finals!!

Finals Fun Pet Grams!

Collage of 4 photos of a Bernese mountain dog puppy, gray striped kitten, brown spotted rabbit, and yellow chick. Text: "Pet Grams!".Finals Fun Pet Grams!

May 13-17

Sign up by May 10 at

Feeling stressed? Know someone who could use a pick-me-up? Send yourself, a friend, a classmate, or a colleague some love and support in the form of a Finals Fun Pet Gram, courtesy of the UMass Amherst Libraries!
Pet Grams will feature daily photographs of cute animals during finals, May 13-17. There is no limit on requests, so send as many Pet Grams as you want! 

In order to receive Pet Grams, recipients must not have opted out from Libraries emails. Those who have been signed up will receive an email from the Libraries on May 12 with instructions on how to opt in to accept the Pet Grams. Pet Grams are anonymous and not individualized.
Signups are open until May 10.

Button Making

Button Making at Du Bois and SEL!

May 13

Du Bois Library, Floor 2: 2-4 p.m.
Science and Engineering Library: 4-6 p.m.

May 14

Du Bois Library, Floor 2: 2-4 p.m.
Science and Engineering Library: 4-6 p.m.

Come make a button!  Draw, print, or find one you like!

Free Coffee and Cookies

Free Coffee & Cookies!

May 13, 14, and 15, approx. 2 p.m.

Du Bois Library, Floor 2
Science and Engineering Library

Supplies limited. First-come; first-served.