Scholarly journals from all academic disciplines - an excellent starting point for multidisciplinary research projects. 3,200 full-text journals. Coverage from 1975 to present.
Current Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature Complete includes indexing back to 1937 of over 5,000 journals as well as full-text of over 1,300 journals, 27 books, 134 evidence-based care sheets, 360 research instruments records, 169 quick lessons and more.
US Industry reports - current analysis of every US industry. Report chapters: Industry at a Glance, Performance, Outlook, Products & Markets, Competitive Landscape, Major Companies, Operating Conditions, Key Statistics.
Published by the American Psychological Association (APA), PsycINFO is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed journal literature in psychology, behavioral science and mental health - 2,500 journal titles indexed - 2.8 million records - 1887 to present.
National Library of Medicine's comprehensive database of citations to medical journal articles, with links to UMass-subscribed full text, 1946-present. PubMed includes all MEDLINE content, plus content from additional journals and books in the life sciences.
Visible Body provides a comprehensive, interactive 3D atlas of the human body, with supporting images, labs, quizzes, & flashcards. Our subscription also includes Visible Biology, a visual guide to biological concepts & processes.
Index to articles from peer-reviewed journals in all disciplines.Search by cited reference, topic, author, and more. Arts and Humanities covers 1975-present; Social Sciences 1900-present; and Science 1900-present.