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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Science Boot Camp 2011


Gates, Bill. 2007 A Robot in Every Home. Scientific American, v.296 no. 1, p 58-65.


Powers of Ten (video)


e-Science Portal for New England Librarians

The Portal is designed for librarians working in research organizations that generate, share, store and/or use data for basic scientific research in the health, biological, and physical sciences. Bringing together resources on education, outreach and collaboration, current practices and e-science news—the portal provides librarians with the tools, knowledge and skills to effectively participate in networked science.

e-Science Background Reading

Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 1
Cyberinfrastructure Primer for Librarians

 Cyberinfrastructure, Data, and Libraries, Part 2
Libraries and the Data Challenge: Roles and Actions for Libraries

A Subject Librarian's Guide to Collaborating on e-Science Projects


Bringing Librarianship to E-Science
An editorial in College and Research Libraries describing the historical roles libraries have played in preserving data.

ARL Joint Task Force on Library Support for E–Science

University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarian E-Science Symposium- April 6, 2009
Documents generated from the symposium are posted here.