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The University of Massachusetts Amherst

Community Engagement and Service Learning

This guide is designed to support students, faculty, and community members interested in the scholarly and practical aspects of community engagement and service learning.

Books at the UMass Amherst Libraries

Library Catalog


To find books at UMass, use the Five Colleges Library Catalog and select the UMass link.

  • Be as specific as possible in your searching
  • Start with a subject search (see ideas to the left)
  • Try broad categories, browsing the sub-topics
  • Use keywords if subjects yield no results
  • Try the Advanced Search option and limit by date,language, format or with additional words

If UMass doesn't have the book(s) you need, try the other Four Colleges. Click REQUEST at the top of the page and you will receive an e-mail in 2-3 days reminding you to pick up the book at the UMass Library.

If the book is not available in the Five College Library System, you may order it through InterLibrary Loan.

TIP: Use WorldCat and Other Library Catalogs when UMass and Five College system are not sufficient.